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Poetry in Handard Test


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Description 6 1 0
chamber: REPS 4218.0
title: Mr. Greene. - Read Ben Tillett
type: miscellaneous
state: NSW
party: Liberal Party (1909-1917)
role: Not Available
incumbent party: False
poet: Not Available
poem: Not Available



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Germany puts her destinies in the hands of warriors; we leave ours in the hands of politicians. Germany acts; we talk. He adds that " words count for nothing in the game of blood and iron." What was the use of the Attorney-General declaring, as he did this afternoon, that Russia will never be beaten, and that we shall never be beaten. It is not a bit of good talking; we must act. Unless this country realizes that we have not attempted to begin our part, or, at most, have done very little, that we must organize' every resource, and that the British Empire must do the same, from one end of it to the other, unless we realize that Germany must be beaten to her knees, the day will come when the policy of blood and iron will win, and Germany will get what she is seeking. All credit to her if she does so under those circumstances. As Blatchford says - Unless the British are ready to fight and pay and work as they have not fought or paid or striven for a hundred years - if ever - the Empire will assuredly go to pieces and leave us beggared and disgraced under the conquest of a braver, better-trained, and better-organized nation. Mr.Fenton. - That was written nearly four years ago. - Yes. Is it not time now that the conflict is upon us, and has been waging for nearly eleven months, that Australia, in common with the rest of the Empire, awoke to the truth of this warning? God forbid that I should say a word against the brave men who are upholding so magnificently at the Dardanelles the honour, and glory, and reputation of this country. We all acknowledge the magnificent work that they have accomplished, and the great name that they have earned for Australia by what they have done. But shall we not prove ourselves a set of doddering idiots if, while these men are falling thick as autumn leaves, we sit here discussing questions utterly insignificant, and which are as nothing compared with the tremendous issues at stake? Nothing short of world domination will satisfy those who guide the destinies of Germany. For many years, her philosophers, poets, public men, historians, scientists, and politicians, her whole intellectual life, have been steadily preaching this one doctrine of world domination, so that it has entered into the very soul of the nation. Germany has a white population of 65,000,000 persons, which is more than the white population of the British Empire. We have to recognise the tremendous driving 'force behind the German nation, that the Germans have bent their whole energies to the organization of the nation down to the tiniest details for the accomplishment of their ultimate purpose. If they are only checked in the struggle in which we are now engaged, it must be evident to every honorable member that the day will come when once again Germany will feel her strength, and once again that indomitable spirit which urges the German against the world will re-assert itself. Unless Germany is ab solutely beaten to h'er knees, and made powerless, I believe that, within our lifetime, she' will choose her opportunity to attack again the one enemy that she had in mind when she entered upon this war. To any one who has read what the Germans have written for all the world to see, it must be perfectly evident that the great enemy that Germany had in view was England. Do honorable members believe, for one moment, that it is the British Isles that Germany wants? Is it there that she looks for a place where her surplus population may live " under a German sky and on German soil," as Bernhardi put it? Those who have read his books know that what Germany wants is not Great Britain, but her colonies. I have read all of Bernhardi's works that have been translated into English, and I can tell the House that in more than one hundred passages he says, in one way or another, that it is England with which Germany is going to try conclusions; that it is the English colonies that Germ.any is going to take; and in allbut absolute words he asserts that it is Australia that she desires. We know that Bernhardi is the popular exponent of the policy of blood and iron, the man above all others who has crystallized and expressed German sentiment on this subject.