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murray river

murray river
Poetry in Handard Test


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Description 26 2 2
chamber: REPS 764.0
speaker: Mr TURNBULL KWP
title: Second Reading (Budget Debate)
electorate: Not Available
type: bill
state: Not Available
party: Not Available
role: Not Available
incumbent party: False
poet: Not Available
poem: Not Available



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I want now to return to the subject of roads. The allocation to rural areas of 40% of expenditure on roads has been of great advantage to the nation. I have in front of me many accounts of the great improvements in rural roads. Conditions have improved tremendously. It is necessary for the benefit of primary producers that the present system of allocation of 40% of roads funds for rural areas should be continued. A man who has been a president of shire councils associations has said that the 40% allocation for roads in rural areas is the greatest advance since the advent of railways. Sometimes I cannot get much attention from the Opposition but I note that I am getting a fair bit of attention tonight. I appreciate it. The honourable member for the Riverina (Mr Armstrong) reminds me that I have only 3 minutes left for my speech. I deplore what has been said in the Horsham Press about my colleague, the honourable member 'for Wimmera (Mr King). No man anywhere has so firmly stood his ground and fought for the wheat industry. I deplore the criticism of him. I think that the man responsible for the critical article in the 'Wimmera Mail Times' should apologise to the honourable member for Wimmera, who is a wheat grower and a great advocate for the wheat industry in this House. What has been written about him in the Wimmera Press is nothing less than disgraceful. I want now to quote to honourable members a little -verse. It has been quoted before, but I believe it has particular point in reference to the 40% allocation of roads funds to rural areas. I give credit for first quoting the poem to Councillor Whyte of Wentworth, across the Murray River from Mildura: The man from Cocklebiddy bumps along the dusty track, It's grand the way that hardy driver steers, The ruts and corrugations that plague the man outback Have kept him in good practice through the years. But how it wears his vehicle! 'It's costly' he complains, And then I need a four-wheel-drive to travel when it rains.' He says it seems a pity, in the busy bustling city, Roads are sealed and smooth and straight and true, But traffic's so congested that progress is arrested People are frustrated and they don't know what to do. Just spread those roads outback,' he says - This is his point of view - There's room for all those cars out here, and all their owners too!'