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Written report by compiled and annotated by Peter Newton (the executor of the Arthur Capell Literary Estate) on the audio recordings and tapes in the Arthur Capell Estate. The non Australian items comprise this collection, and the Australian materials are held at AIATSIS. Supported through a Grant-in-Aid from AIATSIS in 1995. Full title of report: "Interim Supplementary Report on Audio Tapes and other Recordings Held in The Arthur Capell Literary Estate" Compiled and Annotated by Peter J.F. Newton



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Abau - aau, Abkhaz - abk, Malay, Ambonese - abs, Ambulas - abt, Adyghe - ady, Amele - aey, Angal - age, Kahua - agw, Axamb - ahb, Arosi - aia, Ajië - aji, Angal Heneng - akh, 'Are'are - alu, Amharic - amh, Angal Enen - aoe, Anindilyakwa - aoi, Arapesh, Bumbita - aon, Arop-Sissano - aps, Arabic, Standard - arb, Aneityum - aty, Au - avt, Babatana - baa, Karnai - bbv, Bengali - ben, Bughotu - bgt, Biak - bhw, Baki - bki, Bilua - blb, Bola - bnp, Tibetan - bod, Dakaka - bpa, Bosmun - bqs, Bugawac - buk, Bulgarian - bul, Terei - buo, Baelelea - bvc, Bauro - bxa, Boikin - bzf, Czech - ces, Chamorro - cha, Chinese, Mandarin - cmn, Lonwolwol - crc, Welsh - cym, Danish - dan, Dehu - dhv, Dengka - dnk, Dani, Western - dnw, Dom - doa, Dobu - dob, Efik - efi, Askopan - eiv, Ekari - ekg, Greek - ell, English - eng, Enga - enq, Sie - erg, Efate, South - erk, Fataleka - far, Fijian - fij, Finnish - fin, Foi - foi, Frisian, Northern - frr, Futuna-Aniwa - fut, Nobonob - gaw, Kaytetye - gbb, Gao - gga, Gogodala - ggw, Ghanongga - ghn, Kiribati - gil, Gaelic, Scottish - gla, Greek, Ancient - grc, Chinese, Hakka - hak, Hausa - hau, Hawaiian - haw, Hindustani, Fijian - hif, Motu, Hiri - hmo, Hmong Njua - hnj, Hula - hul, Hungarian - hun, Iaai - iai, Purari - iar, Igbo - ibo, Ilocano - ilo, Icelandic - isl, Italian - ita, Iwam, Sepik - iws, Yabem - jae, Javanese - jav, Japanese - jpn, Georgian - kat, Kabardian - kbd, Abadi - kbt, Kalanga - kck, Kewa, West - kew, Khmer, Central - khm, Kilmeri - kih, Kilivila - kij, Kiowa - kio, Kiwai, Southern - kjd, Zabana - kji, Kewa, East - kjs, Gugubera - kkp, Kâte - kmg, Kwoma - kmo, Korean - kor, Kapingamarangi - kpg, Koitabu - kqi, Kuanua - ksd, Kuni - kse, Uare - ksj, Kuman - kue, Kwara'ae - kwf, Kerewo - kxz, Lao - lao, Wala - lgl, Lengo - lgr, Lo-Toga - lht, Lithuanian - lit, Efate, North - llp, Lau - llu, Hano - lml, Lamenu - lmu, Loun - lox, Ganda - lug, Lavukaleve - lvk, Lewo - lww, Marshallese - mah, Malayalam - mal, Marathi - mar, Maisin - mbq, Maring - mbw, Melpa - med, Mekeo - mek, Malay, Kedah - meo, Motu - meu, Mailu - mgu, Macedonian - mkd, Malo - mla, Malango - mln, To'abaita - mlu, Mwotlap - mlv, Emae - mmw, Rennell-Bellona - mnv, Manikion - mnx, Misima-Paneati - mpx, Maori - mri, Mwerlap - mrm, Mangareva - mrv, Marind - mrz, Murik - mtf, Mota - mtt, Manam - mva, Marovo - mvo, Ninde - mwi, Maewo, Central - mwo, Hmong Daw - mww, Mele-Fila - mxe, Burmese - mya, Chinese, Min Nan - nan, Nauruan - nau, Navajo - nav, Notsi - ncf, Sibe - nco, Ngalkbun - ngk, Gela - nlg, Namakura - nmk, Norwegian - nor, Ewage-Notu - nou, Natügu - ntu, Nupe-Nupe-Tako - nup, Tanna, Southwest - nwi, Ontong Java - ojv, Ambae, East - omb, Onjob - onj, Oroha - ora, Orokolo - oro, Palauan - pau, Pashto, Northern - pbu, Petats - pex, Rerep - pgk, Pijin - pis, Vaeakau-Taumako - piv, Pukapuka - pkp, Malagasy - plt, Paluan - plz, Paama - pma, Tuamotuan - pmt, Polish - pol, Pohnpeian - pon, Pawaia - pwa, Ramoaaina - rai, Rapa Nui - rap, Rarotongan - rar, Rakahanga-Manihiki - rkh, Romansch - roh, Romanian - ron, Rotokas - roo, Waima - rro, Rotuman - rtm, Roviana - rug, Sanskrit - san, Sa - sax, Siwai - siw, Sakao - sku, Sikaiana - sky, Samoan - smo, Sinaugoro - snc, Siane - snp, Sam - snx, Sobei - sob, Spanish - spa, Serbian - srp, Sinasina - sst, Phuthi - ssw, Owa - stn, Ulau-Suain - svb, Savosavo - svs, Swedish - swe, Suau - swp, Tahitian - tah, Tamil - tam, Tairora, North - tbg, Tawala - tbo, Telugu - tel, Tagalog - tgl, Sudest - tgo, Thai - tha, Thayore - thd, Teop - tio, Tikopia - tkp, Telefol - tlf, Talise - tlr, Tumleo - tmq, Tami - tmy, Kwamera - tnk, Lenakel - tnl, Whitesands - tnp, Tongan - ton, Tok Pisin - tpi, Toaripi - tqo, Touo - tqu, Triqui, Copala - trc, Triqui, San Martín Itunyoso - trq, Triqui, Chicahuaxtla - trs, Akei - tsr, Turkish - tur, Tawara - twl, Ubir - ubr, Uisai - uis, Ukrainian - ukr, Ulithian - uli, Umpila - ump, Ngarinyin - ung, Urdu - urd, Urat - urt, Uvean, West - uve, Valman - van, Vietnamese - vie, Varisi - vrs, Wandamen - wad, Wedau - wed, Wik-Mungkan - wim, Wallisian - wls, Wom - wmo, Wantoat - wnc, Wogeo - woc, Warumungu - wrm, Xhosa - xho, Sio - xsi, Khwe - xuu, Yapese - yap, Kap - ykm, Yele - yle, Maya, Yucatec - yua, Chinese, Yue - yue, Malay - zlm, Zulu - zul, Multiple languages - mul, Undetermined language - und, Ura (retired) - uur, Koro (retired) - kxr, Yir Yoront - yyr, Estonian - est, Latvian - lav, Chinese - zho
Afghanistan - AF, American Samoa - AS, Austria - AT, Australia - AU, Azerbaijan - AZ, Bulgaria - BG, Botswana - BW, Switzerland - CH, Cook Islands - CK, Chile - CL, China - CN, Czech Republic - CZ, Germany - DE, Denmark - DK, Estonia - EE, Spain - ES, Ethiopia - ET, Finland - FI, Fiji - FJ, Micronesia - FM, United Kingdom - GB, Georgia - GE, Greece - GR, Hungary - HU, Indonesia - ID, India - IN, Iceland - IS, Italy - IT, Japan - JP, Cambodia - KH, Kiribati - KI, Korea, North - KP, Korea, South - KR, Laos - LA, Lebanon - LB, Lithuania - LT, Latvia - LV, Madagascar - MG, Marshall Islands - MH, Macedonia - MK, Mexico - MX, Malaysia - MY, New Caledonia - NC, Nigeria - NG, Netherlands - NL, Norway - NO, Nauru - NR, New Zealand - NZ, French Polynesia - PF, Papua New Guinea - PG, Philippines - PH, Poland - PL, Palau - PW, Romania - RO, Russian Federation - RU, Solomon Islands - SB, Sweden - SE, Slovakia - SK, Thailand - TH, Tonga - TO, Uganda - UG, United States - US, Viet Nam - VN, Vanuatu - VU, Wallis and Futuna - WF, Samoa - WS, South Africa - ZA, Hong Kong - HK
Arthur Capell
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