Latitude1.5445 Longitude109.308 Start Date1987-11-17 End Date1987-11-17
Narratives, oral history and events recorded in Selako (Indonesia).
Extended Data
- ID
- AA1
- Languages
- Kendayan - knx
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Alexander Adelaar
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude0.8555 Longitude112.698 Start Date1989-01-01 End Date1989-01-01
Collection of narratives recorded in Embaloh (Indonesia)
Extended Data
- ID
- AA2
- Languages
- Embaloh - emb
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Alexander Adelaar
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude0.519 Longitude109.5895 Start Date1987-11-15 End Date1987-11-15
A story told in both Sungkung and Salako (Indonesia)
Extended Data
- ID
- AA3
- Languages
- Kendayan - knx
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Alexander Adelaar
- Contact
- License
- As yet unspecified
- Rights
- As yet unspecified
Latitude-16.0612 Longitude167.311 Start Date2004-09-18 End Date2004-09-18
Texts and elicitation sessions with various speakers of the Tiraq language. Some tapes have personal stories, some have copyrighted stories and some contain sacred knowledge.
Extended Data
- ID
- AB1
- Languages
- Bislama - bis, Mae - mme
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Amanda Brotchie
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude26.01165 Longitude94.49215 Start Date2008-04-22 End Date2008-04-22
A collection of elicited data and narratives in Sümi (Tibeto-Burman, Nagaland, India)
Extended Data
- ID
- ABT1
- Languages
- English - eng, Naga, Sumi - nsm
- Countries
- India - IN
- Publisher
- Amos Teo
- Contact
- License
- Mixed (check individual items)
- Rights
- Mixed (check individual items)
Latitude8.3505 Longitude56.62 Start Date1958-12-23 End Date1958-12-23
Recordings from a wide range of languages across South-east Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, North America and Europe.
Extended Data
- ID
- AC1
- Languages
- Abau - aau, Abkhaz - abk, Malay, Ambonese - abs, Ambulas - abt, Adyghe - ady, Amele - aey, Angal - age, Kahua - agw, Axamb - ahb, Arosi - aia, Ajië - aji, Angal Heneng - akh, 'Are'are - alu, Amharic - amh, Angal Enen - aoe, Anindilyakwa - aoi, Arapesh, Bumbita - aon, Arop-Sissano - aps, Arabic, Standard - arb, Aneityum - aty, Au - avt, Babatana - baa, Karnai - bbv, Bengali - ben, Bughotu - bgt, Biak - bhw, Baki - bki, Bilua - blb, Bola - bnp, Tibetan - bod, Dakaka - bpa, Bosmun - bqs, Bugawac - buk, Bulgarian - bul, Terei - buo, Baelelea - bvc, Bauro - bxa, Boikin - bzf, Czech - ces, Chamorro - cha, Chinese, Mandarin - cmn, Lonwolwol - crc, Welsh - cym, Danish - dan, Dehu - dhv, Dengka - dnk, Dani, Western - dnw, Dom - doa, Dobu - dob, Efik - efi, Askopan - eiv, Ekari - ekg, Greek - ell, English - eng, Enga - enq, Sie - erg, Efate, South - erk, Fataleka - far, Fijian - fij, Finnish - fin, Foi - foi, Frisian, Northern - frr, Futuna-Aniwa - fut, Ga - gaa, Nobonob - gaw, Kaytetye - gbb, Gao - gga, Gogodala - ggw, Ghanongga - ghn, Kiribati - gil, Gaelic, Scottish - gla, Greek, Ancient - grc, Chinese, Hakka - hak, Hausa - hau, Hawaiian - haw, Hindustani, Fijian - hif, Motu, Hiri - hmo, Hmong Njua - hnj, Hoava - hoa, Hula - hul, Hungarian - hun, Iaai - iai, Purari - iar, Igbo - ibo, Ilocano - ilo, Icelandic - isl, Italian - ita, Iwam, Sepik - iws, Yabem - jae, Javanese - jav, Japanese - jpn, Georgian - kat, Kabardian - kbd, Abadi - kbt, Kalanga - kck, Kewa, West - kew, Khmer, Central - khm, Kilmeri - kih, Kilivila - kij, Kiowa - kio, Kiwai, Southern - kjd, Zabana - kji, Kewa, East - kjs, Gugubera - kkp, Kâte - kmg, Kwoma - kmo, Korean - kor, Kapingamarangi - kpg, Koitabu - kqi, Kuanua - ksd, Kuni - kse, Uare - ksj, Kuman - kue, Kwara'ae - kwf, Kerewo - kxz, Lao - lao, Wala - lgl, Lengo - lgr, Lo-Toga - lht, Lithuanian - lit, Efate, North - llp, Lau - llu, Hano - lml, Lamenu - lmu, Loun - lox, Ganda - lug, Lavukaleve - lvk, Lewo - lww, Marshallese - mah, Malayalam - mal, Marathi - mar, Mazatec, Huautla - mau, Maisin - mbq, Maring - mbw, Melpa - med, Mekeo - mek, Malay, Kedah - meo, Motu - meu, Mailu - mgu, Mixtec, San Miguel el Grande - mig, Macedonian - mkd, Malo - mla, Malango - mln, To'abaita - mlu, Mwotlap - mlv, Emae - mmw, Rennell-Bellona - mnv, Manikion - mnx, Misima-Paneati - mpx, Maori - mri, Mwerlap - mrm, Mangareva - mrv, Marind - mrz, Murik - mtf, Mota - mtt, Manam - mva, Marovo - mvo, Ninde - mwi, Maewo, Central - mwo, Hmong Daw - mww, Mele-Fila - mxe, Burmese - mya, Chinese, Min Nan - nan, Nauruan - nau, Navajo - nav, Notsi - ncf, Sibe - nco, Ngalkbun - ngk, Gela - nlg, Namakura - nmk, Norwegian - nor, Ewage-Notu - nou, Natügu - ntu, Nupe-Nupe-Tako - nup, Tanna, Southwest - nwi, Ontong Java - ojv, Ambae, East - omb, Onjob - onj, Oroha - ora, Orokolo - oro, Palauan - pau, Pashto, Northern - pbu, Petats - pex, Rerep - pgk, Pijin - pis, Vaeakau-Taumako - piv, Pukapuka - pkp, Malagasy - plt, Paluan - plz, Paama - pma, Tuamotuan - pmt, Polish - pol, Pohnpeian - pon, Pawaia - pwa, Ramoaaina - rai, Rapa Nui - rap, Rarotongan - rar, Rakahanga-Manihiki - rkh, Romansch - roh, Romanian - ron, Rotokas - roo, Waima - rro, Rotuman - rtm, Roviana - rug, Sanskrit - san, Sa - sax, Siwai - siw, Sakao - sku, Sikaiana - sky, Samoan - smo, Sinaugoro - snc, Siane - snp, Sam - snx, Sobei - sob, Spanish - spa, Serbian - srp, Sinasina - sst, Phuthi - ssw, Owa - stn, Ulau-Suain - svb, Savosavo - svs, Swedish - swe, Suau - swp, Tahitian - tah, Tamil - tam, Tairora, North - tbg, Tawala - tbo, Telugu - tel, Tagalog - tgl, Sudest - tgo, Thai - tha, Thayore - thd, Teop - tio, Tikopia - tkp, Telefol - tlf, Talise - tlr, Tumleo - tmq, Tami - tmy, Kwamera - tnk, Lenakel - tnl, Whitesands - tnp, Tongan - ton, Tok Pisin - tpi, Toaripi - tqo, Touo - tqu, Triqui, Copala - trc, Triqui, San Martín Itunyoso - trq, Triqui, Chicahuaxtla - trs, Akei - tsr, Turkish - tur, Tawara - twl, Ubir - ubr, Uisai - uis, Ukrainian - ukr, Ulithian - uli, Umpila - ump, Ngarinyin - ung, Urdu - urd, Urat - urt, Uvean, West - uve, Valman - van, Vietnamese - vie, Varisi - vrs, Wandamen - wad, Wedau - wed, Wik-Mungkan - wim, Wallisian - wls, Wom - wmo, Wantoat - wnc, Wogeo - woc, Warumungu - wrm, Xhosa - xho, Sio - xsi, Khwe - xuu, Yapese - yap, Kap - ykm, Yele - yle, Maya, Yucatec - yua, Chinese, Yue - yue, Malay - zlm, Zulu - zul, Multiple languages - mul, Undetermined language - und, Ura (retired) - uur, Koro (retired) - kxr, Yir Yoront - yyr, Estonian - est, Latvian - lav, Chinese - zho
- Countries
- Afghanistan - AF, American Samoa - AS, Austria - AT, Australia - AU, Azerbaijan - AZ, Bulgaria - BG, Botswana - BW, Switzerland - CH, Cook Islands - CK, Chile - CL, China - CN, Czech Republic - CZ, Germany - DE, Denmark - DK, Estonia - EE, Spain - ES, Ethiopia - ET, Finland - FI, Fiji - FJ, Micronesia - FM, United Kingdom - GB, Georgia - GE, Ghana - GH, Greece - GR, Hungary - HU, Indonesia - ID, India - IN, Iceland - IS, Italy - IT, Japan - JP, Cambodia - KH, Kiribati - KI, Korea, North - KP, Korea, South - KR, Laos - LA, Lebanon - LB, Lithuania - LT, Latvia - LV, Madagascar - MG, Marshall Islands - MH, Macedonia - MK, Mexico - MX, Malaysia - MY, New Caledonia - NC, Nigeria - NG, Netherlands - NL, Norway - NO, Nauru - NR, New Zealand - NZ, French Polynesia - PF, Papua New Guinea - PG, Philippines - PH, Poland - PL, Palau - PW, Romania - RO, Russian Federation - RU, Solomon Islands - SB, Sweden - SE, Slovakia - SK, Thailand - TH, Tonga - TO, Uganda - UG, United States - US, Viet Nam - VN, Vanuatu - VU, Wallis and Futuna - WF, Samoa - WS, South Africa - ZA, Hong Kong - HK
- Publisher
- Arthur Capell
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude0.041500000000003 Longitude115 Start Date1912-01-01 End Date1912-01-01
Digital images of Arthur Capell's Pacific field notes and related materials. Images from countries including Papua New Guinea, Fiji, New Caledonia, Fiji, Solomon islands, New Zealand, Indonesia, American Samoa, Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Philippines, Timor-Leste and Vanuatu. The original documents are held at the National Library of Australia. The catalog of Capell's papers was prepared by his executor, Peter Newton.
Extended Data
- ID
- AC2
- Languages
- Arifama-Miniafia - aai, Ambulas - abt, Abui - abz, Aceh - ace, Adabe - adb, Adang - adn, Kahua - agw, Axamb - ahb, Arosi - aia, Araki - akr, 'Are'are - alu, Alor - aol, Uab Meto - aoz, Sa'a - apb, Apma - app, Arabic, Egyptian Spoken - arz, Dano - aso, Aneityum - aty, Anuki - aui, Aulua - aul, Awyi - auw, Awa - awb, Babatana - baa, Bali - ban, Batak Toba - bbc, Karnai - bbv, Bariai - bch, Bannoni - bcm, Bunama - bdd, Blagar - beu, Bunak - bfn, Bughotu - bgt, Banggai - bgz, Binandere - bhg, Bima - bhp, Biak - bhw, Binumarien - bjr, Baki - bki, Baikeno - bkx, Bilua - blb, Ghayavi - bmk, Banda - bnd, Bierebo - bnk, Dakaka - bpa, Bonggo - bpg, Bilba - bpz, Bieria - brj, Birao - brr, Budibud - btp, Bugis - bug, Terei - buo, Buna - bvn, Bwaidoka - bwd, Bauwaki - bwk, Bauro - bxa, Buhutu - bxh, Binahari - bxz, Qaqet - byx, Boikin - bzf, Cemuhî - cam, Chuukese - chk, Chuave - cjv, Lonwolwol - crc, Fataluku - ddg, German, Standard - deu, Doga - dgg, Daga - dgz, Dia - dia, Dixon Reef - dix, Kuijau - dkr, Dani, Western - dnw, Dobu - dob, Domu - dof, Papar - dpp, Dusun, Central - dtp, Dawawa - dww, Askopan - eiv, Ekari - ekg, Mussau-Emira - emi, English - eng, Sie - erg, Efate, South - erk, Eton - etn, Fagani - faf, Fataleka - far, Fijian - fij, Fore - for, French - fra, Futuna, East - fud, Futuna-Aniwa - fut, Alekano - gah, Gadsup - gaj, Galoli - gal, Gal - gap, Galeya - gar, Gayo - gay, Galela - gbi, Gedaged - gdd, Gao - gga, Kiribati - gil, Ghari - gri, Hahon - hah, Hakö - hao, Helong - heg, Hiw - hiw, Halia - hla, Motu, Hiri - hmo, Hoava - hoa, Hula - hul, Sabu - hvn, Purari - iar, Ibu - ibu, Ifo - iff, Iranun - ill, Ilocano - ilo, Indonesian - ind, Yabem - jae, Javanese - jav, Arandai - jbj, Yamdena - jmd, Japanese - jpn, Koiari, Grass - kbk, Kamano - kbq, Kei - kei, Kamoro - kgq, Keapara - khz, Kilivila - kij, Zabana - kji, Kewa, East - kjs, Ramopa - kjx, Erave - kjy, Maskelynes - klv, Kâte - kmg, Kalam - kmh, Kosraean - kos, Koitabu - kqi, Koromira - kqj, Kandas - kqw, Kuanua - ksd, Kuni - kse, Kusaghe - ksg, Wersing - kvw, Kwaio - kwd, Kwara'ae - kwf, Kwanga - kwj, Keningau Murut - kxi, Rapoisi - kyx, Dusun, Tambunan - kzt, Lamma - lev, Lungga - lga, Neverver - lgk, Lengo - lgr, Longgu - lgu, Lo-Toga - lht, Lakon - lkn, Efate, North - llp, Lau - llu, Lauan - llx, Hano - lml, Lamenu - lmu, Daantanai' - lni, Lorediakarkar - lnn, Loloda - loa, Lelepa - lpa, Larevat - lrv, Makuv'a - lva, Lavukaleve - lvk, Lewo - lww, Litzlitz - lzl, Madura - mad, Marshallese - mah, Makasar - mak, Malol - mbk, Maisin - mbq, Mengen - mee, Mekeo - mek, Motu - meu, Mailu - mgu, Moikodi - mkp, Makasae - mkz, Malo - mla, Malua Bay - mll, Malango - mln, To'abaita - mlu, Naha'ai - mlx, Mae - mme, Ambrym, North - mmg, Maii - mmm, Emae - mmw, Mbula - mna, Rennell-Bellona - mnv, Moni - mnz, Molima - mox, Vangunu - mpr, Misima-Paneati - mpx, Modole - mqo, Manggarai - mqy, Marino - mrb, Maori - mri, Mwerlap - mrm, Cheke Holo - mrn, Maragus - mrs, Vurës - msn, Mota - mtt, Maiwala - mum, Manam - mva, Minaveha - mvn, Marovo - mvo, Marau - mvr, Mpotovoro - mvt, Are - mwc, Ninde - mwi, Maewo, Central - mwo, Mele-Fila - mxe, Morawa - mze, Naasioi - nas, Sibe - nco, Nedebang - nec, Dhao - nfa, Äiwoo - nfl, Nagu - ngr, Takuu - nho, Nias - nia, Niue - niu, Duke - nke, Nokuku - nkk, Nukuoro - nkr, Dutch - nld, Gela - nlg, Nalögo - nlz, V'ënen Taut - nmb, Namakura - nmk, Letemboi - nms, Nimoa - nmw, Ambae, West - nnd, Nehan - nsn, Natügu - ntu, Nukumanu - nuq, Nukuria - nur, Nasarian - nvh, Tanna, Southwest - nwi, Ngad'a - nxg, Nafri - nxx, Oirata - oia, Ontong Java - ojv, Ambae, East - omb, Unua - onu, Oroha - ora, Ormu - orz, Ounge - oue, Oya'oya - oyy, Persian, Iranian - pes, Petats - pex, Rerep - pgk, Pagu - pgu, Vaeakau-Taumako - piv, Paulohi - plh, Paama - pma, Pohnpeian - pon, Portuguese - por, Papapana - ppn, Paicî - pri, Port Sandwich - psw, Port Vato - ptv, Gapapaiwa - pwg, Ramoaaina - rai, Rotokas - roo, Repanbitip - rpn, Ririo - rri, Waima - rro, Rotuman - rtm, Roviana - rug, Sa - sax, Simbo - sbb, Toraja-Sa'dan - sda, Bidayuh, Bukar-Sadong - sdo, Sewa Bay - sew, Sursurunga - sgz, Siwai - siw, Sumau - six, Seke - ske, Sika - ski, Sakao - sku, Sikaiana - sky, Lamaholot - slp, Samoan - smo, Simeulue - smr, Sumbawa - smw, Simeku - smz, Sinaugoro - snc, Nahavaq - sns, Sobei - sob, Solos - sol, Saposa - sps, Shark Bay - ssv, Owa - stn, Sulka - sua, Sunda - sun, Ulau-Suain - svb, Savosavo - svs, Suau - swp, Sangir - sxn, Tairora, North - tbg, Tawala - tbo, Tabaru - tby, Dusun, Tempasuk - tdu, Tetun - tet, Ternate - tft, Lawunuia - tgi, Tagalog - tgl, Sudest - tgo, Tangoa - tgp, Thai - tha, Teop - tio, Tikopia - tkp, Tobelo - tlb, Tolomako - tlm, Talise - tlr, Avava - tmb, Tumleo - tmq, Tami - tmy, Kwamera - tnk, Lenakel - tnl, Tanna, North - tnn, Whitesands - tnp, Tongan - ton, Taupota - tpa, Tok Pisin - tpi, Tinputz - tpz, Lehali - tql, Tomoip - tqp, Touo - tqu, Akei - tsr, Bwanabwana - tte, Tobati - tti, Torau - ttu, Titan - ttv, Mutu - tuc, Ambrym, Southeast - tvk, Tidore - tvo, Ubir - ubr, Ujir - udj, Ughele - uge, Uisai - uis, Ulithian - uli, Uripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin - upv, Urdu - urd, Löyöp - urr, Uruava - urv, Vao - vao, Valpei - vlp, Lovono - vnk, Neve'ei - vnm, Varisi - vrs, Banam Bay - vrt, Wandamen - wad, Watubela - wah, Kaninuwa - wat, Wabo - wbb, Wedau - wed, Wagawaga - wgb, Muduapa - wiv, Waioli - wli, Wallisian - wls, Wantoat - wnc, Wolani - wod, Manombai - woo, Waropen - wrp, Fijian, Western - wyy, Kambera - xbr, Karore - xkx, Sio - xsi, Yapese - yap, Yagaria - ygr, Yaleba - ylb, Yele - yle, Karkar-Yuri - yuj, Zia - zia, Zulu - zul, Multiple languages - mul, Undetermined language - und, No linguistic content - zxx, Ura (retired) - uur, Buli (retired) - bzq, Buru (retired) - mhs, Leti (retired) - lti, Mono (retired) - mte, Amba (retired) - utp, Niwer Mil - hrc, Fanameket - bjp, Warwar Feni - hrw, Persian - fas, Malay - msa, Teiwa - twe, Iranun (Philippines) - ilp, Iranun (Malaysia) - ilm
- Countries
- American Samoa - AS, Australia - AU, Germany - DE, Egypt - EG, Fiji - FJ, Micronesia - FM, Indonesia - ID, Iran - IR, Kiribati - KI, Libya - LY, Marshall Islands - MH, Malaysia - MY, New Caledonia - NC, Niue - NU, New Zealand - NZ, Papua New Guinea - PG, Philippines - PH, Solomon Islands - SB, Sudan - SD, Thailand - TH, East Timor - TL, Tonga - TO, Tuvalu - TV, Taiwan - TW, United States - US, Vanuatu - VU, Wallis and Futuna - WF, Samoa - WS, South Africa - ZA
- Publisher
- Arthur Capell
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude24.3075 Longitude121.584 Start Date1997-10-01 End Date1997-10-01
Recordings of narratives in Taroko (Taiwan).
Extended Data
- ID
- AIT1
- Languages
- Taroko - trv
- Countries
- Taiwan - TW
- Publisher
- Apay Tang
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude61.712 Longitude-144.889 Start Date2008-08-06 End Date2008-08-06
A collection of elicitation and narrative in Ahtena (United States)
Extended Data
- ID
- ALB01
- Languages
- Ahtena - aht, English - eng, Degexit'an - ing
- Countries
- United States - US
- Publisher
- Andrea Berez
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude65.408 Longitude-160.8485 Start Date2010-03-01 End Date2010-03-01
Materials in and about Deg Xinag Language
Extended Data
- ID
- ALB02
- Languages
- English - eng, Degexit'an - ing
- Countries
- United States - US
- Publisher
- Andrea Berez
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17 Longitude168.5 Start Date1964-07-11 End Date1964-07-11
Recordings in Vanuatu in several languages, including Bislama, Ambae (East and West), and Ambrym (North).
Extended Data
- ID
- AM2
- Languages
- Bislama - bis, Ambrym, North - mmg, Ambae, West - nnd, Ambae, East - omb, Undetermined language - und, No linguistic content - zxx
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Andrew McIntyre
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-10.6565 Longitude150.718 Start Date1995-06-12 End Date1995-06-12
Recordings of Saliba (Paupa New Guinea)
Extended Data
- ID
- AM3
- Languages
- Saliba - sbe
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Anna Margetts
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-8.2562 Longitude160.765 Start Date2002-12-01 End Date2002-12-01
Collection of nine texts in Lau.
Speaker: Francis Aruwafu
Recorded by Anna Margetts
Transcription, free translation and morphological glosses by Anna Margetts and Francis Aruwafu
Some annotations modified and added by Harriet Sheppard
Francis Aruwafu (author of texts)
Extended Data
- ID
- AM4
- Languages
- English - eng, Lau - llu
- Countries
- Australia - AU, Solomon Islands - SB
- Publisher
- Anna Margetts
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude31.3926 Longitude121.57 Start Date1987-05-15 End Date1987-05-15
Recordings of reconstructions of Tang Music based on the work of Chen Ying Shi, Allan Marett, Lawrence Picken, Rembrandt Wolpert et al,
Extended Data
- ID
- AM5
- Languages
- Chinese, Mandarin - cmn, Japanese - jpn
- Countries
- China - CN, Japan - JP
- Publisher
- Allan Marett
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-6.5 Longitude148.415 Start Date2000-04-01 End Date2000-04-01
Collection of recordings in Tok Pisin. Includes data recorded in a variety of domains, including television.
Extended Data
- ID
- AP1
- Languages
- One, Molmo - aun, English - eng, Tok Pisin - tpi, Toaripi - tqo
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Adam Paliwala
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-4.105 Longitude143.913 Start Date2005-12-13 End Date2005-12-13
Kanda (Angoram) Moim
Extended Data
- ID
- AP2
- Languages
- Angoram - aog
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Anthony Phillips
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-5.67276 Longitude144.323 Start Date1997-02-03 End Date1997-02-03
Audio tape recordings made during linguistic - anthropological field work in the Western Highlands of PNG, mostly with Ku Waru people since 1981. Video and written material will be added to the collection eventually. Lects variously designated as Melpa, Ku Waru, Temboka, Kakuyl, and Imbonggu belong to a single dialect continuum with perhaps 250,000 speakers. Note first that when I use the term Ku Waru to name an ethnographic region, this should in no way be taken to imply any kind of sharp boundaries either among regional dialects areas or among distinct 'peoples' in this part of highland New Guinea. The dialect spoken at Kailge where Francesca and I were based belongs to a dialect continuum which includes over two hundred thousand speakers (show area on map 1). Although the dialects near the outer edges of this region are not mutually intelligible, within it there is nothing but continuous gradation among them. Nor is there any single set of mutually exclusive names for dialects or 'languages' within the region, or for the continuum in toto. The term 'Ku Waru' that we have fixed on for ethnographic purposes is one that is used to highlight what is common to the locales on either side of the Tambul Range, from Kailge across to Winjaka (show on map), but for other purposes the Wijaka people and dialects are differentially classified as 'Kakuyl' and the Kailge ones as 'Napilya', after the major rivers that flow through their respective valleys. What is true of dialect gradation within this region is equally true of other dimensions of cultural or ethnic differentiation. While people draw distinctions among features and practices associated with particular locales, there is extensive intermarriage and other forms of social interaction across such difference, and no sense of sharp boundaries among discrete ethnic groups. To be sure, there is an important distinction drawn between the bo 'indigenous' and the kewa 'foreign', but this is a sliding scale rather than a categorical opposition (Rumsey 1999a). (rec by email 8/6/2004)
Extended Data
- ID
- AR1
- Languages
- Melpa - med
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Alan Rumsey
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-5.6425 Longitude143.457 Start Date1973-10-13 End Date1973-10-13
Recordings by Peter White. 3 Reels of tape recorded in Southern Highlands Province, PNG recorded in 1970s & containing music and environmental sounds & interview
Extended Data
- ID
- AR2
- Languages
- Duna - duc, Tok Pisin - tpi
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Alan Rumsey
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-17.438 Longitude168.3485 Start Date1966-06-01 End Date1966-06-01
North Efate (Vanuatu). Audio recordings including conversation, elicitation, song and text. A set of tapes recorded in 1966 on Nguna Island.
Extended Data
- ID
- AS1
- Languages
- Efate, North - llp
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Albert Schütz
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.4575 Longitude179.2785 Start Date1961-02-01 End Date1961-02-01
Recordings of Fijian (Fiji) regional dialects, also includes notes on a variety of topics. Villages are identified by three names, in this order: yasana ‘province’, tikina ‘district’, koro ‘village.’
Extended Data
- ID
- AS2
- Languages
- Namosi-Naitasiri-Serua - bwb, English - eng, Fijian - fij, Lauan - llx, Tongan - ton
- Countries
- Fiji - FJ
- Publisher
- Albert Schütz
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-8.424505 Longitude158.127 Start Date1960-12-30 End Date1960-12-30
Tape held by Al Schütz but originally recorded by Samuel Elbert
Extended Data
- ID
- AS3
- Languages
- Pijin - pis
- Countries
- Solomon Islands - SB
- Publisher
- Albert Schütz
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-13.057 Longitude143.468 Start Date1996-01-01 End Date1996-01-01
Audio recordings from Gugubera and Yir Yoront (Australia).
Extended Data
- ID
- BA1
- Languages
- Gugubera - kkp, Yir Yoront - yyr
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Barry Alpher
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-16.891145 Longitude153.9845 Start Date1995-01-01 End Date1995-01-01
Reconstructing object markers in Oceanic languages. Honours thesis, collating data of pronominal systems in Oceanic languages and presenting a reconstruction of object markers for Proto Oceanic.(Historical reconstruction; Typological analysis) - BA Hons Thesis, ANU by Bethwyn Evans, 1995
Extended Data
- ID
- BE1
- Languages
- English - eng, Multiple languages - mul
- Publisher
- Bethwyn Evans
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-3.1105 Longitude141.878 Start Date2005-10-12 End Date2005-10-12
Audio recordings of Fas (also known as Momu). Includes phonological recordings and church songs in both Fas and Tok Pisin. This is a joint collection of materials gathered by Fiona Blake and Tom Honeyman in Mori Village, Sandaun Province PNG in 2005-2006. Individual items are in the Collections FB2 and TH1.
Extended Data
- ID
- BH1
- Languages
- Fas - fqs, Tok Pisin - tpi
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Tom Honeyman
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-4.149 Longitude103.3625 Start Date2008-06-20 End Date2008-06-20
The Besemah collection contains spontaneous conversations, semi-spontaneous and elicited narratives, elicited wordlists, and experimental data.
Extended Data
- ID
- BJM01
- Languages
- Malay, Central - pse
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Bradley McDonnell
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-27.4503 Longitude118.755 Start Date1992-04-06 End Date1992-04-06
Mangala Language (Australia)
Extended Data
- ID
- BLA1
- Languages
- Mangala - mem
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Brigitte Agnew
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-4.243 Longitude143.3155 Start Date1972-12-20 End Date1972-12-20
Two slit-drums, one player with two sticks to each drum
Extended Data
- ID
- BM1
- Languages
- Iatmul - ian
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Bob MacLennan
- Contact
- License
- As yet unspecified
- Rights
- As yet unspecified
Latitude4.7585 Longitude114.6385 Start Date2011-12-04 End Date2011-12-04
Project funded by Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD). Audio and video texts were collected from Tutong speakers, generally aged above 60 yrs old, in the Tutong district of Brunei Darussalam, in 2007-2009. Project coordinator & recordist: Adrian Clynes. Speaker recruitment and Interviewer: Hj Ramlee Tunggal (retired secondary teacher, with a BA in Malay linguistics from UBD). Dictionary items elicitation: Juergen Burkhardt. Other support: Noor Azam Haji-Othman, Hj Ramlee Tingkong. Speakers of this language refer to it as (basa') Tutung or (with an older Malay-influenced spelling) Tutong. This is the only language in Brunei referred to in this way. The language label "Tutong 2" used by the Ethnologue following Wurm and Hattori 1981 is misleading. Wurm and Hattori's "Tutong 1" is referred to as the Dusun language in Brunei, and never (officially or informally) as "Tutong" (either 1 or 2).
Extended Data
- ID
- BN1
- Languages
- Tutong - ttg
- Countries
- Brunei - BN
- Publisher
- Adrian Clynes
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-6.1455 Longitude155.4725 Start Date1970-01-01 End Date1970-01-01
Audio texts and other materials in Torau (Oceanic). Torau is spoken by 1200 individuals in four villages (Rorovana 1, Rorovana 2, Tarara, Vito) on central east coast of Bougainville north of Arawa/Kieta.
Extended Data
- ID
- BP1
- Languages
- Torau - ttu
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Bill Palmer
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-8.041 Longitude159.191 Start Date1994-12-12 End Date1994-12-12
Audio texts and other materials in Kokota (Oceanic). Kokota is spoken by about 1200 individuals in Goveo and Sisiga, on the northeast coast of Santa Isabel, Solomon Islands, and in Hurepelo, on the south coast of Santa Isabel.
Extended Data
- ID
- BP2
- Languages
- Kokota - kkk
- Countries
- Solomon Islands - SB
- Publisher
- Bill Palmer
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-6.605 Longitude156.0045 Start Date1993-01-18 End Date1993-01-18
The Northwest Solomonic grouping within Austronesian’s Oceanic branch contains about 40 languages spoken in the New Georgia group and the on the islands of Santa Isabel and Choiseul in the Solomon Islands, and on Bougainville and Buka and their adjacent islands in Papua New Guinea.
Extended Data
- ID
- BP3
- Languages
- Bannoni - bcm, Cheke Holo - mrn, Simbo - sbb, Solos - sol, Uruava - urv
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG, Solomon Islands - SB
- Publisher
- Bill Palmer
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-6.1635 Longitude154.9575 Start Date2006-01-31 End Date2006-01-31
Papapana language (Bougainville)
Extended Data
- ID
- BP4
- Languages
- Papapana - ppn
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Bill Palmer
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude1.594 Longitude173.203 Start Date1998-01-01 End Date1998-01-01
Micronesian materials (Kiribati and Marshallese)
Extended Data
- ID
- BP5
- Languages
- Kiribati - gil, Marshallese - mah
- Countries
- Kiribati - KI, Marshall Islands - MH, East Timor - TL
- Publisher
- Bill Palmer
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude26.808 Longitude89.4165 Start Date2009-02-03 End Date2009-02-03
A collection of audio recordings of narratives (personal and traditional), descriptions of traditional practices and tools
Extended Data
- ID
- BRX1
- Languages
- Meche - brx
- Countries
- India - IN
- Publisher
- Prafulla Basumatary
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-16.98 Longitude168.205 Start Date1967-01-01 End Date1967-01-01
4 tapes - Central Vanuatu Historical Narratives. Bislama/Namakwa narratives related by Pastor Simbolo of Tongoa. 1 tape Radio Vanuatu Recording. This collection was located as a result of PARADISEC's 'Lost and Found' project and digitisation was funded by the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language.
Extended Data
- ID
- CB3
- Languages
- Bislama - bis, Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Chris Ballard
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-2.51 Longitude118.11 Start Date1977-01-01 End Date1977-01-01
Recordings of the Tarawangsa-kacapi ensemble from six locations in West Java, Indonesia in 1974, 1977, 1979.
West Javanese music.
The research resulted in the Collector's PhD Thesis, which is held at the National Library of Australia,
Extended Data
- ID
- CF1
- Languages
- Sunda - sun
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Cathy Falk
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-13.894 Longitude167.5155 Start Date2002-06-09 End Date2002-06-09
Collection of 11 audio tapes and 4 MDs containing recordings of various Vurës speakers. Most of these recordings have a transcript, and many are also time-aligned in Transcriber and glossed in Toolbox with English and Bislama translations.
Extended Data
- ID
- CH1
- Languages
- Bislama - bis, Vurës - msn
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Catriona Malau
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude19.5 Longitude93.75 Start Date2012-09-11 End Date2012-09-11
Mro Khimi - Field Data and Phonological Analysis
Extended Data
- ID
- CH3
- Languages
- Chin, Mro - cmr
- Countries
- Myanmar - MM
- Publisher
- Christina Hornéy
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude25.8945 Longitude109.244 Start Date2012-08-13 End Date2012-08-13
Music of the Southern Kam (Dong) people of Guizhou, Guangxi and Hunan Provinces, China (2004-2006, and Feb-Jul 2008). 贵州、广西、湖南省侗族音乐(2004年-2006年,2008年2月-7月)
Documentation of Southern Kam music making (including singing and instrumental playing), festivals and other cultural activities such as dyeing, weaving and instrument making. This collection was deposited by Catherine Ingram. Recordings were made and documented by members of the Kam communities and Catherine Ingram in Guizhou, Guangxi and Hunan Provinces (China) from September 2004 to March 2006. The collection includes sound and video recordings, photos, and photographed objects. The material also includes some interviews with Kam and Han Chinese people concerning Kam culture – especially Kam music.
Extended Data
- ID
- CI1
- Languages
- Dong, Southern - kmc
- Countries
- China - CN
- Publisher
- Catherine 英倩蕾 Ingram
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-2.865 Longitude125.59 Start Date1969-01-01 End Date1969-01-01
Recordings of language data (narratives, myths, wordlists, interviews, conversation) and of music from Papua New Guinea and the North Moluccas (Indonesia). Languages recorded include Kuda, Bamu, Beami, Kubo, Gogodala, Faiwol, Ningrum, Yong, Zimakani, Hiri motu, Suki, Boazi, Asmat, Warhai, Basim, Kagas, Pirimapun, Tamageir, Tamageir, Jaxamit, Manep, Firanu, Todahe, Kebar, Inanwatan, Sebyar, Yahadian, Sahu, Brat, Moi, Manikion, Hatam, Tinam, Asmat, Samo, Ba, Dina, Awin, Santa Cruz, Demoi, Wembi, Waris, Woria, Amgotro, Niao Sawa, Apmisibil, Sawi, Warkai, Bipim, Keruawyu, Tamario, Erma.
Extended Data
- ID
- CLV1
- Languages
- Mpur - akc, Awyi - auw, Aekyom - awi, Mai Brat - ayz, Bamu - bcf, Beami - beo, Warkay-Bipim - bgv, Biak - bhw, Asmat, Central - cns, Dom - doa, English - eng, Faiwol - fai, Gamkonora - gak, Galela - gbi, Gogodala - ggw, Gobasi - goi, Hatam - had, Motu, Hiri - hmo, Purari - iar, Indonesian - ind, Arandai - jbj, Manem - jet, Kubo - jko, Kao - kax, Karon Dori - kgw, Kiwai, Northeast - kiw, Kuni-Boazi - kvg, Loloda - loa, Malay, North Moluccan - max, Meyah - mej, Motu - meu, Makian, East - mky, Manikion - mnx, Modole - mqo, Makian, West - mqs, Elseng - mrf, Moraid - msg, Moskona - mtj, Yahadian - ner, Nalögo - nlz, Natügu - ntu, Ninggerum - nxr, Pagu - pgu, Pare - ppt, Awyu, Asue - psa, Sahu - saj, Sawi - saw, Ma'ya - slz, Samo - smq, Suki - sui, Ngalum - szb, Suabo - szp, Tabaru - tby, Tamagario - tcg, Tanahmerah - tcm, Tobelo - tlb, Tok Pisin - tpi, Waioli - wli, Woria - wor, Waris - wrs, Yonggom - yon, Zimakani - zik, Malay - zlm, Multiple languages - mul, Undetermined language - und, Moi (retired) - mxn
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID, Papua New Guinea - PG, Solomon Islands - SB, Taiwan - TW
- Publisher
- Bert Voorhoeve
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-22.38 Longitude166.055 Start Date1980-01-01 End Date1980-01-01
Recordings in Xârâcùù and Xârâgurè (Thio, New Caledonia) made in 1977, 1980 and 1984. Data includes stories, conversation, history stories, names, song and chants. Four reel to reels and seven cassettes
Extended Data
- ID
- CM1
- Languages
- Xârâcùù - ane, Xaragure - axx, French - fra, Numee - kdk
- Countries
- New Caledonia - NC, Norfolk Island - NF
- Publisher
- Claire Moyse-Faurie
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-7.004 Longitude139.065 Start Date1958-06-01 End Date1958-06-01
Materials deposited by Ruth H. Roesler and The Evangelical Alliance Museum created by Calvin Roesler. Their work was among the Asmat people in the swamps of the south coast. Linguistic work of devising a spelling system and translation of Scripture was carried out as was recording of anthropological data. It includes folktales, origins, customs, songs, daily life and linguistic analysis. Items 001 to 054 are audio recordings and all following items are notes, most of which are transcripts of audio.
Extended Data
- ID
- CR1
- Languages
- Asmat, Casuarina Coast - asc, Asmat, Central - cns
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Ruth Roesler
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-15.76 Longitude168.189 Start Date2003-06-04 End Date2003-06-04
texts in the Abma language, of various genres: custom stories, explanations, descriptions, personal narratives, conversation, songs, comparisons.
Extended Data
- ID
- CS2
- Languages
- Apma - app
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Cindy Schneider
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-9.177 Longitude166.497 Start Date1966-01-01 End Date1966-01-01
Audio recordings from Papua New Guinea and Samoa. Areas and languages include Mekeo, Manus, Motu, Sepik, Mila Mila, Manam, Mambu also Pidgin and Samoan. Data includes songs, radio recordings, music, and interviews.
Files held in University of Wollongong Archives:
Extended Data
- ID
- D160_5
- Languages
- English - eng, Fore - for, Motu, Hiri - hmo, Iwam, Sepik - iws, Kilivila - kij, Mekeo - mek, Motu - meu, Manam - mva, Samoan - smo, Tok Pisin - tpi, Multiple languages - mul, Undetermined language - und
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG, Samoa - WS
- Publisher
- Percy Cochrane
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude19.13 Longitude100.4955 Start Date1977-02-28 End Date1977-02-28
Audio recordings of Gong (Thailand). Includes word lists, sentence elicitation narrative and songs. Also a small amount of recording in Laomian.
Extended Data
- ID
- DB1
- Languages
- Bisu - bzi, Lao - lao, Lamet - lbn, Lahu - lhu, Laomian - lwm, Thai, Northern - nod, Phunoi - pho, Phu Thai - pht, Lua' - prb, Thai - tha, Ugong - ugo
- Countries
- Thailand - TH
- Publisher
- David Bradley
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-5.164155 Longitude145.3685 Start Date2010-07-21 End Date2010-07-21
A collection of various materials gathered about several Papuan languages spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
Extended Data
- ID
- DD1
- Languages
- Akrukay - afi, Aiome - aki, Amaimon - ali, Nend - anh, Anor - anj, Atemble - ate, Bongu - bpu, Apali - ena, English - eng, Faita - faj, Gants - gao, Jilim - jil, Mum - kqa, Male - mdc, Musak - mmq, Aruamu - msy, Paynamar - pmr, Panim - pnr, Pulabu - pup, Rao - rao, Rerau - rea, Sileibi - sbq, Sepen - spm, Tok Pisin - tpi, Yangulam - ynl, Multiple languages - mul, Undetermined language - und
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Don Daniels
- Contact
- License
- Mixed (check individual items)
- Rights
- Mixed (check individual items)
Latitude4.3815 Longitude97.2335 Start Date1998-05-04 End Date1998-05-04
Audio recordings of Gayo (Indonesia). Includes traditional stories, historical narratives and conversation. Recordings made in a variety of locations in Aceh. Tape 2: Aman Hadijah. The story of the elephant, the mousedeer and the shellfish. Other discussion between Domenyk Eades, Aman Hadijah, Ahmad Yuzar and others. Recorded in Paya Raje, Bukit region, Central Aceh Recorded on 14 May 1998 Tape 3: Muhammad Daud: Three stories. 1. Example of melangkan ritual speech. 2. The story of the New Order 3. The origin of the Gayo people. All recorded in Kampung Sinar, Bukit region, Central Aceh. Recorded on 16 May 1998 Tape 4: A.R. Hakim Aman Pinan: Depik. (Takengon) Aman Kerna: Chatting and telling tales from the past. (Isak village, Linge region) Recorded on 11 September 1998. Tape 5: Aman Das: Stories of the Dutch and Japanese occupation of Aceh. Domenyk Eades chatting with other people in Isak village, Linge region. Recorded on 16 September 1998 Tape 6: Aman Kerna relating his experiences during the Dutch colonial period. Recorded in Isak village, Linge region on 11 October 1998 Tape 7: A.R. Hakim Aman Pinan: The tale of Puteri Pukes (followed by discussion) Recorded in Takengon, 26 May 1998
Extended Data
- ID
- DE1
- Languages
- Gayo - gay
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Domenyk Eades
- Contact
- License
- As yet unspecified
- Rights
- As yet unspecified
Latitude-1.79 Longitude118.11 Start Date1973-02-01 End Date1973-02-01
A collection of audio recordings, mostly of music and song from a range of languages. Indonesian recordings include song sand music from a variety of genres mainly recorded at specific events, lectures, history narratives. Sasak data includes music, song and description. Malaysian data includes radio recording of music and live musical performance. Languages recorded include Balinese (Bali), Batak Simalungan (Tumur, Simelungan), Indonesian (Indonesia), Malay (Malaysia), Sasak (Lombok, Indonesia).
Extended Data
- ID
- DG1
- Languages
- Bali - ban, Batak Mandailing - btm, Batak Simalungun - bts, Batak Karo - btx, English - eng, Indonesian - ind, Sasak - sas, Sunda - sun, Malay - zlm, Undetermined language - und, No linguistic content - zxx
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID, Malaysia - MY
- Publisher
- David Goldsworthy
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-4.494735 Longitude141.344 Start Date1976-07-01 End Date1976-07-01
Miyan (Mian, Mianmin) tapes, recorded by Don Gardner, sent to O Sebastian Fedden The men interviewed, and the guys who acted as translators, came from different parts of Miyan territory, and there are certainly differences in dialect. Interviews about ritual matters.
Extended Data
- ID
- DG3
- Languages
- Mian - mpt
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Don Gardner
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.4575 Longitude179.2785 Start Date1986-02-01 End Date1986-02-01
Audio recordings of music and song in Fiji from a wide variety of genre. Some with descriptions and explanations. Ranges from traditional performance, to children's songs and modern Fijian pop. Languages recorded include English and Fijian (Fiji, Standard Fijian, Eastern Fijian, Nadroga, Naadronga).
Extended Data
- ID
- DG4
- Languages
- English - eng, Fijian - fij
- Countries
- Fiji - FJ
- Publisher
- David Goldsworthy
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-7.601235 Longitude141.89355 Start Date2012-09-27 End Date2012-09-27
Collection of slides from Fiji, Indonesia, Samoa and Tonga.
Extended Data
- ID
- DG5
- Languages
- Fijian - fij, Indonesian - ind, Samoan - smo, Tongan - ton, No linguistic content - zxx
- Countries
- Australia - AU, Fiji - FJ, Indonesia - ID, New Zealand - NZ, Tonga - TO, United States - US, Samoa - WS
- Publisher
- David Goldsworthy
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-4.397 Longitude143.873 Start Date1970-01-01 End Date1970-01-01
Audio recordings of Biwat (Papua New Guinea). Recordings include song, narrative, grammatical testing, . Also one or two recordings in the following languages: Pidgin, Tok Pisin, Sepik Pidgin, Puhoi, Moim, Kambot, Wosera, Ngala, Muhiang Arapesh,(Papua New Guinea), Ririo Babatana, Varese, Ruviana (Soloman), Cimbrian (Italy, Australia and USA), Hindi, Upper Chehelis Salish (India), Aranda, Lamalama (Australia), Chinese (Location not specified), Arabic (Palestinian Territory), Hebrew (Chile)
Extended Data
- ID
- DL1
- Languages
- Ambulas - abt, Angoram - aog, Mufian - aoj, Arabic, Standard - arb, Arrarnta, Western - are, Babatana - baa, Bavarian - bar, Terei - buo, Biwat - bwm, Cimbrian - cim, Chehalis, Upper - cjh, Chinese, Mandarin - cmn, German, Standard - deu, English - eng, Hebrew - heb, Hindi - hin, Ap Ma - kbx, Kwoma - kmo, Lamu-Lamu - lby, Manambu - mle, Ngala - nud, Pijin - pis, Ririo - rri, Roviana - rug, Tok Pisin - tpi, Varisi - vrs, Hanga Hundi - wos, Kap - ykm, Multiple languages - mul, Undetermined language - und, No linguistic content - zxx, Mor (retired) - moq
- Countries
- Australia - AU, Chile - CL, India - IN, Italy - IT, New Zealand - NZ, Papua New Guinea - PG, Palestinian West Bank and Gaza - PS, Solomon Islands - SB, United States - US
- Publisher
- Don Laycock
- Contact
- License
- Mixed (check individual items)
- Rights
- Mixed (check individual items)
Latitude-6.5 Longitude148.415 Start Date2011-10-17 End Date2011-10-17
Digital images of Don Laycock's field notes and related materials for languages in Papua New Guinea. There are 65 books in all.
• C series: 11 notebooks; no page numbers.
• D series: 36 notebooks (29 and 31 are missing). Pages numbered sequentially from D1 through to D36 (pp. 1-5525)
Not yet digitised:
•Blue exercise books: five books with sequential page numbering (pp. 1-297). One exercise book is missing (pp. 197-246).
• Miscellaneous notebooks: 13, no page numbers
Metadata compiled by Doug Marmion, 2001.
Extended Data
- ID
- DL2
- Languages
- Amal - aad, Ambrak - aag, Arapesh, Abu' - aah, Abau - aau, Abu - ado, Ambakich - aew, Andai - afd, Tapei - afp, Angor - agg, Agi - aif, Ak - akq, Amol - alx, Amanab - amn, Alamblak - amp, Amto - amt, Angoram - aog, Arapesh, Bumbita - aon, Taikat - aos, One, Molmo - aun, Aruek - aur, Awyi - auw, Au - avt, Awun - aww, Baibai - bbf, Beli - bey, Odiai - bhf, Bikaru - bic, Nai - bio, Bahinemo - bjh, Bungain - but, Bun - buv, Buna - bvn, Biwat - bwm, Pouye - bye, Banaro - byz, Boikin - bzf, Chambri - can, Changriwa - cga, Chenapian - cjn, Dia - dia, Kapriman - dju, Daonda - dnd, Elepi - ele, Elkei - elk, Fas - fqs, Niksek - gbe, Gaikundi - gbf, Taiap - gpn, Gorovu - grq, Imonda - imn, Iteri - itr, Iwam - iwm, Manem - jet, Dera - kbv, Kaiep - kbw, Ap Ma - kbx, Kilmeri - kih, Kis - kis, Awtuw - kmn, Kwoma - kmo, Kamasau - kms, Kyenele - kql, Isaka - ksi, Kwanga - kwj, Kwomtari - kwo, Kairiru - kxa, Pahi - lgt, Langam - lnm, Aruop - lsr, Malol - mbk, Mongol - mgt, Siliput - mkc, Elseng - mrf, Murik - mtf, Nabi - mty, Mekmek - mvk, Juwal - mwb, Ningera - nby, Yale - nce, Ningil - niz, Namia - nnm, Mehek - nux, One, Inebu - oin, Olo - ong, Owiniga - owi, Pyu - pby, Pagi - pgi, Piame - pin, Pinai-Hagahai - pnn, Papi - ppe, Pei - ppq, Pasi - psq, Puare - pux, Rao - rao, Yahang - rhp, Rawo - rwa, Seti - sbi, Sinagen - siu, Auwe - smf, Samo - smq, Saniyo-Hiyewe - sny, Sera - sry, Sissano - sso, Seta - stf, Suganga - sug, Torricelli - tei, Haruai - tmd, Tumleo - tmq, Wiarumus - tua, Tabriak - tzx, Urim - uri, Urat - urt, Vanimo - vam, Valman - van, Marangis - wax, Minidien - wii, Walio - wla, Wom - wmo, Wanap - wnp, Warapu - wra, Waris - wrs, Wutung - wut, Kombio - xbi, Kopar - xop, Karawa - xrw, Yimas - yee, Yetfa - yet, Yis - yis, Kap - ykm, Yaul - yla, Yil - yll, Yangum Mon - ymo, Yerakai - yra, Yessan-Mayo - yss, Karkar-Yuri - yuj, Kalou - ywa, Undetermined language - und, No linguistic content - zxx, Yau (retired) - yyu, Mende (retired) - sim, Bouni - suo
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID, Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Don Laycock
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.2505 Longitude168.5035 Start Date1994-01-01 End Date1994-01-01
Collection made between 1994 and 1998 by David Luders and George Pakoasongi in Efate-Shepherd Island region of Vanuatu.
It records over thirty hours of speech and song. The speech is in Namakura language and Bislama and the song is in local languages. To these recordings is added one of a broadcast by Radio Vila on 1967. That recording concerns the chief Roimata whose burial was excavated by José Garanger in 1967 and the recorded broadcast is referred to in his published report of the excavation (Garanger, José 1972. Archéologie des Nouvelles-Hebrides: Contribution à la Connaissance des îles du Centre. Publications de la Societé des Oceanistes. No. 30. Paris. ORSTOM)
Much of this material is confidential and requires a password for access. Those recordings that do not include the first, LPC 1 (the Radio Vila broadcast), and some of those in the Bongabonga series, as indicated. Apart from LPC 1, the recordings are in four series, as follows.
SIMBOLO (1 to 11) Password required
This series is mostly song. They are named for the performer, Pastor Simbolo, an aore (‘songmaster’) originally of Mangarisu village, Tongoa island (Shepherd Is.). Pastor Simbolo, who claims to have been born in 1911, had the chiefly title of Taripoakoto. He did not begin a Western-style education (and thence go on to train as a Presbyterian pastor) until he had an extensive training in customs and songs on Tongoa.
MATANAURETONG (1 TO 7) Password required
This series is the history of the chief Ti Tongoa Liseiriki, told by Amos Ti Tongoa Liseiriki in Namakura language and Bislama.
BONGABONGA (1 to 35) Password required for most
This series contains the histories of the chiefs Taripoamata, Ti Matasso na Mata and Ti Matasso Tonoriki in Namakura language and Bislama of Bongabonga village, Tongoa and a number of other recordings in Namakura language. These include a ‘Life of a Chief’ series, two recordings concerning a critical dispute over succession to a chiefly title at Bongabonga, three on the relationships between chiefs at Bongabonga and between them and others elsewhere, two on custom law, one detailing the protocol of ceremonial pig-killing. Other material includes the responsibilities of a particular lesser chief of Bongabonga, an ‘Aspects of Life’ series covering various details of traditional life, a number of stories of notable events (shipwrecks, murders and chiefly assassinations) and relations between certain chiefs of Tongoa and Emae.
Extended Data
- ID
- Languages
- Bislama - bis, Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- David Luders
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-2.62274 Longitude141.0175 Start Date2000-03-25 End Date2000-03-25
Wutung: A Papuan language of the Sko Phylum spoken in Sandaun Province, PNG. About 600 speakers; still the first language for the majority of children, but everyone also learns and makes daily use of Tok Pisin and English (and for many also Bahasa Indonesia), so rapid language shift could occur at any time. 27 x 1 hour cassette tape recordings collected as part of PhD fieldwork.
Extended Data
- ID
- DM1
- Languages
- English - eng, Manem - jet, Wutung - wut
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Doug Marmion
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude0 Longitude150 Start Date1970-01-01 End Date1970-01-01
These references are for items not otherwise incorporated into language search mechanisms
Extended Data
- ID
- External
- Languages
- Arosi - aia, Arapesh, Bumbita - aon, Sa'a - apb, Apma - app, Biak - bhw, Bislama - bis, Bahinemo - bjh, Bauro - bxa, Chambri - can, Cham, Western - cja, Cham, Eastern - cjm, Darling - drl, English - eng, French - fra, Kiribati - gil, Ghari - gri, Iwam, Sepik - iws, Kwoma - kmo, Kwara'ae - kwf, Longgu - lgu, Lakon - lkn, Lau - llu, Hano - lml, Lavukaleve - lvk, Manambu - mle, Mwerlap - mrm, Mota - mtt, Maewo, Central - mwo, Gela - nlg, Ambae, West - nnd, Natügu - ntu, Ngala - nud, Nukumanu - nuq, Pijin - pis, Vaeakau-Taumako - piv, Rarotongan - rar, Kriol - rop, Rotuman - rtm, Sa - sax, Seke - ske, Sikaiana - sky, Samoan - smo, Owa - stn, Savosavo - svs, Sowa - sww, Tikopia - tkp, Touo - tqu, Titan - ttv, Varisi - vrs, Wogamusin - wog, Yapese - yap, Yerakai - yra
- Countries
- Australia - AU, Cook Islands - CK, Fiji - FJ, Micronesia - FM, France - FR, Indonesia - ID, Cambodia - KH, Kiribati - KI, Papua New Guinea - PG, Solomon Islands - SB, Viet Nam - VN, Vanuatu - VU, Samoa - WS
- Publisher
- Various Various
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-3.1006 Longitude141.898 Start Date2005-01-08 End Date2005-01-08
10 Audio cassettes of Fas language recorded in Mori Village, Sandaun Province Papua New Guinea, January 2005. Audio recordings of Fas (AKA Momu). Recordings include elicitation, greetings, word lists, texts, and singing.
Extended Data
- ID
- FB1
- Languages
- Fas - fqs
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Fiona Honeyman
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-3.1105 Longitude141.878 Start Date2005-09-26 End Date2005-09-26
A collection of elicitation sessions, texts, song, and performances from a field trip in late 2005 to early 2006. The work focuses on the language "Fas" or "Momu". This was a collaborative project. See also collections TH1 and BH1.
Extended Data
- ID
- FB2
- Languages
- Fas - fqs
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Fiona Honeyman
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-2.345 Longitude114.1235 Start Date2007-03-13 End Date2007-03-13
Materials from Jane Simpson's Field Methods class 2007
Extended Data
- ID
- FM1
- Languages
- Banjar - bjn
- Countries
- France - FR, Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Jane Simpson
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude2.897 Longitude98.2515 Start Date2010-03-10 End Date2010-03-10
Field methods 2010 class
Extended Data
- ID
- FM2
- Languages
- Batak Karo - btx, English - eng
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Jane Simpson
- Contact
- License
- As yet unspecified
- Rights
- As yet unspecified
Latitude-34.78385 Longitude138.811 Start Date1980-01-01 End Date1980-01-01
Recordings of the Italian Folk Ensemble and associated groups (Adelaide, South Australia), 1980s-2007, collected by Antonio Comin. Five quarter-inch reel tapes, seven cassette tapes, 11 CDs and associated texts. For background information see Comin, Antonio, & Barwick, Linda. (2012). Re-presenting Italy in Australia through Theatre and Music, 1972-2002. In L. Barwick & M. Sorce Keller (Eds.), Italy in Australia's musical landscape (pp. 41–64). Melbourne: Lyrebird Press. See also Barwick, Linda. (2012). Italian Traditional Music in Adelaide in the 1970s and 1980s. In L. Barwick & M. Sorce Keller (Eds.), Italy in Australia's Musical Landscape (pp. 65–82). Melbourne: Lyrebird Press.
Extended Data
- ID
- GAC1
- Languages
- English - eng, Italian - ita
- Countries
- Australia - AU, Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Antonio Comin
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-15.9515 Longitude168.228 Start Date1976-07-01 End Date1976-07-01
Extended Data
- ID
- GE1
- Languages
- Sa - sax
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- George Elliott
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-11.6168 Longitude155.3635 Start Date1955-01-01 End Date1955-01-01
George Grace's manuscript collection at the University of Hawai'i
Extended Data
- ID
- GG1
- Languages
- Anus - auq, Biga - bhc, Bonggo - bpg, Fijian - fij, Mor - mhz, Nabi - mty, Kuri - nbn, Ormu - orz, Paicî - pri, Mo - wkd, Waropen - wrp, Matbat - xmt, Mor (retired) - moq
- Countries
- Fiji - FJ, Indonesia - ID, New Caledonia - NC, Papua New Guinea - PG, Solomon Islands - SB
- Publisher
- George Grace
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-8.423 Longitude124.05 Start Date2007-12-03 End Date2007-12-03
This collection documents languages of Alor-Pantar, Indonesia, with a focus on the Western Pantar (Lamma) language
Extended Data
- ID
- GH2
- Languages
- Alor - aol, Blagar - beu, Indonesian - ind, Wersing - kvw, Lamma - lev
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Gary Holton
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-4.243 Longitude143.3155 Start Date2008-10-18 End Date2008-10-18
Stories recorded during fieldwork among Iatmul (Ndu,Papuan) in East Sepik Province, PNG, in 2008. The stories have been told by children and adolescents for whom Iatmul L2 and illustrate obsolescence phenomena.
Related publications:
• 2016. ‘The zero-marked switch-reference system of the Papuan language Iatmul’. Gijn, Rik van & Hammond, Jeremy (eds.), Switch Reference 2.0. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins (TSL 114); 231-252.
• 2015. ‘Iatmul’. Grandi, Nicola & Körtvélyessy, Lívia (eds.), Edinburgh Handbook of Evaluative Morphology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press; 408-415.
• 2014. ‘Future tense, prospective aspect, and irrealis mood as part of the situation perspective: Insights from Basque, Turkish, and Papuan’. De Brabanter, Philippe & Kissine, Mikhail & Sharifzadeh, Saghie (eds.), Future times, future tenses. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Oxford Studies of Time in Language and Thought); 138-164.
• 2011. ‘Questions on transitivity: Iatmul and beyond’. Kratochvíl, František & Coupe, Alexander & LaPolla, Randy J. (eds.), Studies in transitivity. Insights from language documentation. Special issue of Studies in Language 35.3: 555-587.
• 2009. ‘Clause linkage in a language without coordination: the adjoined clause in Iatmul’. Helmbrecht, Johannes & Nishina, Yoko & Shin, Yong-Min & Skopeteas, Stavros & Verhoeven, Elisabeth (eds.), Form and Function in Language Research. Papers in Honour of Christian Lehmann. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter; 139-150.
• 2009. ‘Origin and development of the Iatmul focus construction: Subordination, desubordination, resubordination’. Folia Linguistica 43.2: 345-390.
• 2009. ‘Switch-reference constructions in Iatmul: Forms, functions, and development’. Lingua 119: 1316-1339.
Postdoctoral thesis (German: Habilitationsschrift):
• 2012. University of Regensburg (Germany): ‘A grammar of Iatmul’. Referees: Geoffrey Haig, Johannes Helmbrecht, Ulrike Mosel.
Funding (as part of):
• La Trobe University, Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Research Centre for Linguistic Diversity (now: Centre for Research on Language Diversity), 1 March 2005 – 28 February 2008
• Charles La Trobe Research Fellowship, 1 June 2008 – 25 September 2009
Extended Data
- ID
- GJ1
- Languages
- Iatmul - ian
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Gerd Jendraschek
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-6.2425 Longitude144.8505 Start Date2003-06-01 End Date2003-06-01
Material on the Golin language (PNG) resulting from a field methods course at the University of Melbourne
Extended Data
- ID
- GN1
- Languages
- English - eng, Golin - gvf
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Nicholas Evans
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-8.1705 Longitude159.0365 Start Date1975-04-11 End Date1975-04-11
Cheke Holo history, folktales and legends
Extended Data
- ID
- GW1
- Languages
- Cheke Holo - mrn
- Countries
- Solomon Islands - SB
- Publisher
- Geoffrey White
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude33.57065 Longitude134.745 Start Date1987-01-01 End Date1987-01-01
Recordings of performances, lessons and discussions with biwa players of diverse traditions, made between 1984 and 2000.
Extended Data
- ID
- HDF1
- Languages
- Japanese - jpn
- Countries
- Japan - JP
- Publisher
- Hugh de Ferranti
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-3.6167 Longitude141.067 Start Date2002-01-01 End Date2002-01-01
Miscellaneous texts recorded 2002 and 2004. A collection of short texts in Dla, mostly in the minority dialect (Papua New Guinea). Audio recordings also include lexical items, verb paradigms, stories, cry-singing and remarks.
Extended Data
- ID
- HDS1
- Languages
- Dia - dia, Dera - kbv, No linguistic content - zxx
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID, Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Hilário de Sousa
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-9.54883 Longitude147.322 Start Date1953-07-29 End Date1953-07-29
Tubusereia, Papua New Guinea Dance and Church Music, December 1969. 2 National Tapes - Recorded December 1969. 5 45rpm EP discs - Papua New Guinea Music 1969. 11 Photos from Tubusereia - Dec 1969.
The audio is from the predominantly Motu village of Tubusereia, near Moresby.
The depositor, Ian Campbell, recalls: "The recording was made when I was staying in the village in 1969-70 as part of the NUAUS ‘Village’ Scheme which operated in the late Australian colonial admin period and in 1969 was in its second year of operation – first was in 1968 – Australian uni students stay in PNG villages. Prior to the village stay I had been in contact, inter alia, at UNSW with Charles Lepani, who was then an undergrad at UNSW, now is PNG High Commissioner to Australia, and others, including Bernard Narakobi, later PNG Supreme Court Justice. Tubuseriea was the home village of Renagi Lohia, first PNG Ambassador to UN. The family I stayed with in Tubusereia was ‘Leah’. Later visited Wewak, Goroka, Chimbu area, Mt Hagen, Lae, Rabaul, including meetings in Rabaul with John Kaputin, later PNG Finance and Trade Minister."
Extended Data
- ID
- IC1
- Languages
- Motu - meu, Undetermined language - und, No linguistic content - zxx
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Ian Campbell
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude7.7 Longitude81.7 Start Date1973-10-24 End Date1973-10-24
Mostly from my 1973-4 field trip to Batticaloa.
Elicitation tapes; free conversations; songs and music.
Language Note: Although the current ethnologue language categories provide a single code covering all "Indo-Portuguese", it has been recognized since the time of Schuchardt that the northern "Norteiro" varieties differ from the southern ones. Sri Lanka Portuguese is structurally quite different from the Norteiro varieties of Daman, Diu and Korlai, and would certainly be mutually unintelligible (though this statement has not been tested). I am currently documenting the differences and will be applying to have the current code "idb" retired and replaced by two (or more?) codes that reflect the linguistic differences.
Extended Data
- ID
- IRS01
- Languages
- English - eng, Indo-Portuguese - idb, Tamil - tam
- Countries
- Sri Lanka - LK
- Publisher
- Ian Russell Smith
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-7.52 Longitude147.2975 Start Date1976-11-05 End Date1976-11-05
Audio recordings of Numbami (Papua New Guinea) made by Joel Bradshaw. Recordings include narratives, conversation, children's conversation and descriptions of life.
Extended Data
- ID
- JB1
- Languages
- Numbami - sij
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Joel Bradshaw
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-7.973195 Longitude145.787 Start Date1993-11-07 End Date1993-11-07
Kaki Ae [tbd] texts collected during field research in 1993. Eight texts are included complete with digitized audio file; ELAN file with time-aligned sentence, word, gloss; interlinear text with morpheme breaks and glosses in pdf format.
Extended Data
- ID
- JC1
- Languages
- Kaki Ae - tbd
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- John M Clifton
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-7.665 Longitude144.5995 Start Date1967-01-01 End Date1967-01-01
Audio recordings of Northeast Kiwai (Papua New Guinea). Recordings include mainly narratives, with some minimal pair and lexical item elicitation.
This material consists of
a) copies of a series of audiotapes; and
b) a set of written texts from the same period.
It was mostly collected in the early to mid sixties, though some goes back to the fifties. I have no record of the exact dates on which the recordings were made.
Some of the written texts (such as the one titled Tuoma) have been transcribed from the audiotapes, others were dictated to the writer. There is one text, written by a semi-literate Gope man, which I have left in the author’s own hand along with a few short autograph letters written by Uroma speakers.
The original audiotapes, the majority of which are 5” BASF reels, remain in my possession.
Nearly all the material is in the language spoken at the village called Kivaumai on the map Kikori Papua New Guinea prepared by the Royal Australian Survey Corps in 1979. The village (Ne’edai/Gowo’u) at the time of my visits was located on a pleasant black sand beach on the seaward side of Uramu [sic] Island, situated between Paia Inlet on the west & Era Bay on the east in the Gulf Province of Papua New Guinea; I understand that this village site was subsequently abandoned, perhaps due to the work of the tireless sea.
Extended Data
- ID
- JH1
- Languages
- Kiwai, Northeast - kiw
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG, Singapore - SG
- Publisher
- John Harris
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-1.6105 Longitude142.9495 Start Date2000-01-01 End Date2000-01-01
Wuvulu texts, stories and songs from PNG
Extended Data
- ID
- JH2
- Languages
- Wuvulu-Aua - wuv
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- James Hafford
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-19.476 Longitude169.3815 Start Date2007-12-03 End Date2007-12-03
Audio recordings of Whitesands (Vanuatu). Recordings include lexical items, paradigms, instructions and descriptions of traditional items and events, phonetic details, narratives (many with transcription), historical narrative, song, conversation, public speeches and elicitation using video stimulus (the MPI 'staged events' and 'reciprocals' videos). Written materials in the local language and photographs are also provided.
Extended Data
- ID
- Languages
- Whitesands - tnp
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Jeremy Hammond
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-19.476 Longitude169.3815 Start Date2009-03-07 End Date2009-03-07
Audio recordings of Whitesands (Vanuatu). Includes interviews and narratives. Collection also includes photographs and materials on the language.
Extended Data
- ID
- Languages
- Whitesands - tnp
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Jeremy Hammond
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-8.5995 Longitude150.747 Start Date1978-01-01 End Date1978-01-01
This is a link to recordings made by Jerry Leach in Trobriand / Kiriwinian from the late 1960s to 1978 and held in the Smithsonian. As of 2008 this material has not yet been digitised.
Extended Data
- ID
- JL1
- Languages
- Kilivila - kij
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Jerry Wayne Leach
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-20.191 Longitude169.8255 Start Date2001-01-01 End Date2001-01-01
Anejom̃ dictionary (John Lynch and Philip Tepahae, 2001, Canberra: Pacific Linguistics)
Extended Data
- ID
- JL2
- Languages
- Aneityum - aty
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- John Lynch
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-4.387 Longitude143.8535 Start Date2005-12-10 End Date2005-12-10
Audio recordings of Biwat (Papua New Guinea). Languages as given include Mudukumo, Mekmek (related to Mudukumo), Yaul, Sangriwa and Biwat. Recordings include lexical elicitation, stories, texts, prayers, and instructions.
Extended Data
- ID
- JM1
- Languages
- Biwat - bwm, Changriwa - cga, English - eng, Mekmek - mvk, Tok Pisin - tpi, Yaul - yla
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- James McElvenny
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-7.1055 Longitude146.0245 Start Date1983-09-07 End Date1983-09-07
Kukɨna Yaguye - Yagwoia recordings from 1977-1979 (Papua New Guinea). Audio recordings include spells, narratives, music, myth and conversations.
Extended Data
- ID
- JM2
- Languages
- Tok Pisin - tpi, Yagwoia - ygw
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Jadran Mimica
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-7.1055 Longitude146.0245 Start Date1985-09-01 End Date1985-09-01
Audio recordings of Yagwoia (Papua New Guinea). Includes dream reports, narrative accounts.
Extended Data
- ID
- JM3
- Languages
- Tok Pisin - tpi, Yagwoia - ygw
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Jadran Mimica
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude6.5495 Longitude117.0195 Start Date2007-12-11 End Date2007-12-11
A trilingual Kimaragang (Malaysia) dictionary which features example sentences for every form of each word. In is a text file in Toolbox (Shoebox) form. In the present state only about 1/3 of the entries contains English. Much editing and many additions remain to be done. (Also Malay)
Extended Data
- ID
- JMJ1
- Languages
- Kimaragang - kqr
- Countries
- Malaysia - MY
- Publisher
- James Martin Johansson
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-2.0925 Longitude146.934 Start Date2011-11-11 End Date2011-11-11
A collection of recordings, transcriptions, and other materials collected in 2001 (Massey University, New Zealand), 2007 (Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea), and 2011 (Manus Island, Papua New Guinea). Language is called Pohowa, not Bohuai, by Rose Porowai.
Extended Data
- ID
- JN2
- Languages
- Tulu-Bohuai - rak
- Countries
- New Zealand - NZ, Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- John Newman
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-5.0405 Longitude122.5275 Start Date2005-03-17 End Date2005-03-17
Recordings made for field methods class at Sydney University on Muna (Wuna, Mounan – Indonesia).
Extended Data
- ID
- JS1
- Languages
- Muna - mnb
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Jane Simpson
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.8202 Longitude177.843 Start Date2131-07-16 End Date2131-07-16
Data from the Plantation Languages of Fiji Project. Audio recordings include conversations, speeches, and some recordings of school-aged children. Languages recorded in include Fiji English, Fiji Hindi, Pidgin Fijian, Pidgin HIndustani and Kiribati. Also some recordings of Nauru Pidgin (Nauru).
Extended Data
- ID
- JS2
- Languages
- Bhojpuri - bho, Chinese Pidgin English - cpi, English - eng, Fijian - fij, Kiribati - gil, Hindustani, Fijian - hif, Hindi - hin
- Countries
- Fiji - FJ, Nauru - NR
- Publisher
- Jeff Siegel
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude9.537 Longitude138.125 Start Date2011-02-15 End Date2011-02-15
Yapese dictionary and texts
Extended Data
- ID
- JTJ1
- Languages
- Yapese - yap
- Countries
- Micronesia - FM
- Publisher
- John Jensen
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-6.4525 Longitude143.4955 Start Date1979-08-22 End Date1979-08-22
Stories, songs, public discourse and other Foi spoken language recordings, 1979-1989, collected in the Mubi Valley, Southern Highlands Province, PNG.
There are transcriptions and translations of these recordings in notebooks held by the Pacific Archive at the Menzies Library, Australian National University. For access to these files, please email
Extended Data
- ID
- JW1
- Languages
- Foi - foi, Tok Pisin - tpi
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- James Weiner
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-6.5 Longitude148.415 Start Date1970-01-01 End Date1970-01-01
A collection of some 4,645 texts in Tok Pisin recorded by Fr. John Z'graggen from the early 1970s. Tapes of these texts are held in the Museum der Kulturen Basel, Switzerland. See also the DWU collection here which includes Fr Z'graggen's tapes.
Extended Data
- ID
- JZ1
- Languages
- Tok Pisin - tpi
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- John Zgraggen
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-6.5 Longitude148.415 Start Date1968-01-01 End Date1968-01-01
Audio recordings made in Papua New Guinea. Languages listed are Sialum, Dodua, Mape, Kovai. Also includes Momire, Kâte, Tobo, Mindik, Burum, Sene, Hube, Moliu, Kinalaknga, Komba, Migabac, Ono, Nomu, Nabak, Kumukio, Wamora, Kosorong and Mâgobineng. One recording of bird song also made.
Extended Data
- ID
- KM1
- Languages
- Burum-Mindik - bmu, Dedua - ded, Kinalakna - kco, Kube - kgf, Kâte - kmg, Komba - kpf, Kovai - kqb, Borong - ksr, Kumukio - kuo, Mape - mlh, Momina - mmb, Migabac - mpp, Momare - msz, Nabak - naf, Nomu - noh, Ono - ons, Sene - sej, Sialum - slw, Tobo - tbv, No linguistic content - zxx, Moi (retired) - mxn
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID, Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Ken McElhanon
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude6.4375 Longitude157.754 Start Date1950-11-01 End Date1950-11-01
Pohnpeian Dictionary (Micronesia). Image files of a typescript Pohnpeian dictionary of some 5,000 entries produced in 1950.
Extended Data
- ID
- KR1
- Languages
- Pohnpeian - pon
- Countries
- Micronesia - FM
- Publisher
- Kenneth Rehg
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-8.482 Longitude118.7495 Start Date2005-08-04 End Date2005-08-04
LSA 301 Field Methods Class - Nggahi Mbojo Grammatical and Text elicitation by Linguistics Society of America Summer Institute Field Methods Class at MIT from 28 June - 4 August 2005. Co-teachers were Jane Simpson, Mary Laughren and David Nash
Extended Data
- ID
- KY1
- Languages
- Bima - bhp, English - eng
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Kamaludin Yusra
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude17.4463 Longitude120.442 Start Date1993-02-01 End Date1993-02-01
Field recordings relating to popular theatre performances in 1993 and 1995 in Burgos (Ilocos Sur), and Vigan (Ilocos Sur), Philippines. February 1993, Luna and Burgos (Ilocos Sur) - 9 hours of video recordings of komedya rehearsal, performance, and associated parades etc. (video tape series VT93/1-8); with parallel audio recording of performance and taped interview with performers (audio tape series AT93/1-5; some recorded with the assistance of Dr Ubaldo Stecconi). Fieldwork carried out in conjunction with Dr Raul Pertierra. April-May 1995, Vigan (Ilocos Sur) - 10 hours of recordings of 2 komedyas, 1 zarzuela and other associated material including parades, song sessions and Chinese opera. VT95/2-6; AT95/1-2. Fieldwork carried out in conjunction with Dr Raul Pertierra. Collection includes VHS tape dubs of all Hi-8 originals and one cassette tape dub of an original field recording made by Dr Raul Pertierra circa 1976 in Burgos (Ilocos Sur).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB1
- Languages
- English - eng, Chinese, Hakka - hak, Ilocano - ilo, Tagalog - tgl
- Countries
- Philippines - PH
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-12 End Date1992-07-12
Field recordings of maggio sung popular theatre and related events recorded by Linda Barwick from 1992-2000, mainly in the Garfagnana region of Tuscany (Italy). Linda Barwick also holds annotated booklets of the texts published by the Centro tradizioni popolari della Provincia di Lucca, which have been marked up with details of when relevant recordings start and finish.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2
- Languages
- Italian - ita, No linguistic content - zxx
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-16.5275 Longitude167.4395 Start Date2006-06-27 End Date2006-06-27
Audio recordings of South West Bay (Also know as Nahavaq) in Vanuatu. Audio recordings include word lists, elicitation, custom stories, history, instructions and demonstrations in traditional food and craft, sports commentary and conversation. Also includes photographs of field work
Extended Data
- ID
- LD1
- Languages
- Bislama - bis, English - eng, Nahavaq - sns
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Laura Dimock
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude27.45 Longitude86.1675 Start Date2009-09-14 End Date2009-09-14
Audio recordings of grammatical elicitation, words lists, texts, narratives and conversations. Also one video recording of conversation picture task. Sessions mainly conducted in Nepali and Yolmo. Accompanying Transcriber or ELAN files provided for most files. Also a small number of recordings with Kagate speakers (Ramechhap district), Melamchi Valley Yolmo speakers and Ilam Yolmo speakers.
Extended Data
- ID
- LG1
- Languages
- Nepali - nep, Helambu Sherpa - scp, Kagate - syw
- Countries
- Nepal - NP
- Publisher
- Lauren Gawne
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-19.5905 Longitude169.442 Start Date1982-01-01 End Date1982-01-01
Recordings made from the early 1980s onwards by Lamont Lindstrom in Tanna. This collection was located as a result of PARADISEC's 'Lost and Found' project and digitisation was funded by the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language.
Extended Data
- ID
- LL1
- Languages
- Kwamera - tnk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Lamont Lindstrom
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude18.357 Longitude122.206 Start Date2006-02-03 End Date2006-02-03
Field recordings of Dupaningan Agta, also known as Dupaninan Agta or Eastern Cagayan Agta. The recordings include elicitation sessions, wordlists, stories, and songs. The elicitation sessions and wordlists are conducted primarily via the trade language Ilocano (Ilokano), but occasionally also via the medium of Tagalog (AKA Filipino or Pilipino).
Extended Data
- ID
- LR1
- Languages
- Agta, Central Cagayan - agt, Alta, Northern - aqn, Atta, Pamplona - att, Agta, Casiguran Dumagat - dgc, Agta, Dupaninan - duo, English - eng, Ilocano - ilo, Itawit - itv, Tagalog - tgl
- Countries
- Philippines - PH
- Publisher
- Laura Robinson
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-20.9381 Longitude167.26 Start Date1980-05-16 End Date1980-05-16
Ifejicatre, contes et légendes de Lifou (Iles Loyauté) en langue drehu (Lifu, NC). Ile récits traditionnels recueilles au fues d'informateurs durant l'année 1980-par M.Sam Léonard et M. Lercari Claude
Extended Data
- ID
- LS1
- Languages
- Dehu - dhv
- Countries
- New Caledonia - NC
- Publisher
- Leonard Sam
- Contact
- License
- As yet unspecified
- Rights
- As yet unspecified
Latitude-2.789725 Longitude141.313 Start Date2000-03-01 End Date2000-03-01
Audio recordings of Krisa (also known as Isaka) in Papua New Guinea. Includes stories.
original medium: audio cassettes dates of recordings: 2000-2001
Extended Data
- ID
- LSR1
- Languages
- Isaka - ksi
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Lila San Roque
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-2.946 Longitude140.8145 Start Date2002-12-01 End Date2002-12-01
Five cassette tapes recorded in Skotchiau (Skotiau) village, Sandaun Province at the end of 2002/beginning of 2003. Languages include:
Mnanki: In 2002 noted to be quite strong, kids learning, probably about 100 speakers in Skotiau village, and apparently also spoken in other villages. Probably classified as a variety of Manem.
Manem: In 2002 noted to be in a similar situation to Mnanki (not as strong as Mnanki in Skotiau village but is apparently spoken in 5 other villages).
Arso: Small amount recorded with a single female speaker, living in Skotchiau village, no other details known.
Other languages spoken in the village in 2002 included Tok Pisin and Papuan Malay/Bahasa.
No more recent information has been gathered by this researcher.
Extended Data
- ID
- LSR2
- Languages
- Taikat - aos, Manem - jet, Isaka - ksi, Multiple languages - mul
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID, Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Lila San Roque
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-8.5825 Longitude141.339 Start Date1979-11-01 End Date1979-11-01
Audio recordings of stories (mostly secular, sometimes comic/bawdy) in numerous dialects from two language groups in the Morehead District, Western Province, Papua New Guinea. Recorded by Mary Ayres, Ph.D. during doctoral research conducted in 1979 - 1981. Translations (but not transcriptions) into English provided by local informants who were native speakers of the dialect.
Associated funding:
National Science Foundation of the United States Government
Grant number: BNS 79-20932
Associated publication:
This Side, That Side: Locality and Exogamous Group Definition in Morehead Area, Southwestern Papua
Mary Clifton Ayres
University of Chicago, Department of Anthropology
March 1983
Extended Data
- ID
- MA1
- Languages
- English - eng, Guntai - gnt, Nambo - ncm, Namat - nkm, Wára - tci
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Mary Ayres
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-3.064645 Longitude142.012 Start Date2001-04-17 End Date2001-04-17
Audio recordings of Warapu (Papua New Guinea). Recordings include word lists, stories, paradigms, discussions regarding dictionary, and history.
Extended Data
- ID
- MC1
- Languages
- English - eng, Tok Pisin - tpi, Warapu - wra
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Miriam Corris
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-3.065425 Longitude142.0135 Start Date2000-05-01 End Date2000-05-01
Audio recordings include tone elicitation, sociolinguistic attitudes interviews and music for Warapu and music and stories for One, Molmo.
Extended Data
- ID
- MC2
- Languages
- One, Molmo - aun, Warapu - wra
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Melissa Crowther
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-2.847685 Longitude141.658 Start Date2002-01-01 End Date2002-01-01
One - 6 full tapes and 4 half tapes (not endangered) Puare - 3 half tapes (endangered) Barupu - 1 full tape and 1 half tape (not endangered?) Rawo - 1 half tape (endangered) Note all tapes are 60 minutes long, and all languages are spoken in Sandaun Province, PNG
Extended Data
- ID
- MC3
- Languages
- One, Molmo - aun, Puare - pux, Rawo - rwa, Tok Pisin - tpi, Warapu - wra
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Melissa Crowther
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-3.073325 Longitude142.037 Start Date2012-09-27 End Date2012-09-27
MARK DONOHUE original medium: audio cassettes dates of recordings: 2000-2001 All burned as .AIFF data CDs. Archive copy of each CD in .AIFF data format.
Extended Data
- ID
- MD1
- Languages
- One, Molmo - aun, Skou - skv, Warapu - wra
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID, Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Mark Donohue
- Contact
- License
- As yet unspecified
- Rights
- As yet unspecified
Latitude3.952 Longitude96.649 Start Date1982-12-13 End Date1982-12-13
Audio recordings of Aceh (Indonesia). Includes dialect survey, conversation among other things.
Extended Data
- ID
- MD4
- Languages
- Aceh - ace
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Mark Durie
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude4.02 Longitude96.649 Start Date1988-08-20 End Date1988-08-20
Audio recordings of Aceh (Indonesia). Includes word lists, songs, stories.
Extended Data
- ID
- MD5
- Languages
- Aceh - ace
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Mark Durie
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude4.02 Longitude96.649 Start Date2008-06-17 End Date2008-06-17
Extended Data
- ID
- MD6
- Languages
- Aceh - ace
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Mark Durie
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-16.018 Longitude167.3805 Start Date2010-03-23 End Date2010-03-23
Grammatical and lexicon elicitation, conversations and stories collected in 2010 on Atchin island, Central Vanuatu
Extended Data
- ID
- MFD7
- Languages
- Uripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin - upv
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Marie France Duhamel
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-15.8095 Longitude168.7805 Start Date1973-12-31 End Date1973-12-31
Reel to Reel Magnetic tapes mainly concerning the Motu people of Papua. There are also recordings from Samoa and Tonga.
Extended Data
- ID
- MG1
- Languages
- Toura - don, English - eng, Motu, Hiri - hmo, Motu - meu, Samoan - smo, Tongan - ton, Multiple languages - mul, Undetermined language - und
- Countries
- Australia - AU, Papua New Guinea - PG, Tonga - TO, Samoa - WS
- Publisher
- Murray Groves
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-12.27 Longitude134.3705 Start Date1993-11-20 End Date1993-11-20
The collection comprises digitised recordings of 75 audio tapes, recorded by Margaret Carew with Gun-nartpa and Burarra speakers between 1993-6 in the Maningrida region, Arnhem Land, NT Australia. Most of the material was recorded over a 6 month period at Gochan Jiny-jirra outstation, east of Maningrida. The recordings are of speakers of the Gun-nartpa dialect. Each item has one or two wav files (side A and usually side B), which are digitsed tape recordings. There is also an eaf file for each wav - they mostly contain one tier which logs the content of the recordings (in English). There are also text files - which contain the information in this logging tier.
Extended Data
- ID
- MLC1
- Languages
- Burarra - bvr
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Margaret Carew
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-16.7345 Longitude167.947 Start Date1972-01-01 End Date1972-01-01
Audio recordings of North Ambrym (Vanuatu). Includes songs, rites, festival, interviews, speeches and discussion.
Extended Data
- ID
- MP1
- Languages
- Ambrym, North - mmg
- Countries
- Cook Islands - CK, Fiji - FJ, Kiribati - KI, New Caledonia - NC, Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Mary Patterson
- Contact
- License
- As yet unspecified
- Rights
- As yet unspecified
Latitude-5.161 Longitude147.1395 Start Date1966-01-01 End Date1966-01-01
The materials in this collection were retrieved and digitised by Sascha Völlmin at the Department of Linguistics at Zurich where they had been donated by the recorder, Professor Scheller. Their addition in PARADISEC was made possible through the cooperation and support of Balthasar Bickel, Mathias Jenyn and Sascha Völlmin. The brief notes on the collection and on Professor Scheller’s research in Melanesia were compiled by Tonya Stebbins (Research Centre for Linguistic Typology at La Trobe University).
PARADISEC believes that many of the items provided through this guide are no longer the subject of copyright restrictions, or have been cleared for display in this service by the Copyright owners. However, PARADISEC invites any individuals who believe they hold current rights over items provided through this service to make contact.
Professor Scheller was born 17.5.1921 in Zurich and died 24.4.1991. He is remembered by colleagues and former students as being modest, highly intelligent and original. He was also noted for his commitment to attention to detail, being very diligent and careful. He had a great sense of humour, surfacing in his lectures and also occasionally in the recordings held by PARADISEC.
Scheller suffered from ill health throughout his career and, along with his tendency to be highly critical of his own work, this resulted in him publishing relatively little. He was a supportive mentor for a number of students and was widely liked by colleagues.
His interest in languages was surprisingly diverse: this included Indology (after becoming emeritus, he apparently translated a poetic work from the Sanskrit) as well as interests in Slavic a Celtic languages Plus he seems to also have studied non-European/Indogermanic languages (Turkish, Georgian)
Scheller spent 7 months travelling in Papua New Guinea in 1966. The recordings in this collection were gathered during this period. It is clear that his interest in non-Indogermanic languages significantly predates this time since he lectured on "The language families of the world" in 1960/61, displaying his enormous knowledge of the diversity of world languages, and especially his knowledge of Melanesian/Papuan. Scheller’s Habilitation apparently included discussions on how alienable and inalienable possession play a role in Indogermanic and this may have been the start of his interested in a wider typological profile of languages, including the languages of Melanesia which frequently distinguish these categories.
• 1940 started studying Philology & Indogermanic languages in Zurich
• 1948 PhD in Zurich (Die Oxytonierung der griechischen Substantiva auf -i?)
• 1948-1954: numerous scholarships / assignments all over Europe (Prague, Paris, Munich, Oxford)
• 1956/57 Habilitation in Zurich (Vedisch priy?- und die Wortsippe frei, freien, Freund. Eine bedeutungsgeschichtliche Studie)
• Then: Worked in Zurich & Fribourg & Munich
• 1975 Prof in Zurich, built a new institute from scratch, including a very good library comprising descriptions of many languages across the world
• 1998 emeritus
These biographical notes are based on information in the following source. (Thanks to Birgit Hellwig for her assistance with translating this material).
Bisang, W; Rinderknecht, P. Von Europa bis Ozeanien — von der Antonymie zum Relativsatz: Gedenkschrift für Meinrad Scheller. Zürich, 15 - 37.
Extended Data
- ID
- MS2
- Languages
- Burum-Mindik - bmu, Qaqet - byx, Kairak - ckr, Mali - gcc, Yabem - jae, Iwal - kbm, Kâte - kmg, Kuanua - ksd, Borong - ksr, Kairiru - kxa, Mesem - mci, Musom - msu, Sera - sry, Sulka - sua, Tok Pisin - tpi, Tomoip - tqp, Taulil - tuh, Ura - uro, Waskia - wsk, Yamap - ymp, No linguistic content - zxx
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Meinrad Scheller
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude24.046 Longitude89.799 Start Date2004-01-28 End Date2004-01-28
2003/4 Fieldwork, 19 minidiscs Mainly wordlists with a few texts, conversations and songs, collected at 9 sites across the Kamata/Rajbanshi areas of Nepal, India & Bangladesh (Ethnologue codes rkt, rjs)
Extended Data
- ID
- MT1
- Languages
- Bengali - ben, English - eng, Hindi - hin, Mru - mro, Rajbanshi - rjs, Rangpuri - rkt, Surjapuri - sjp
- Countries
- Bangladesh - BD, India - IN, Nepal - NP
- Publisher
- Matthew Toulmin
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-2.51 Longitude118.11 Start Date2005-08-14 End Date2005-08-14
Interview with Macassan musicians August 2005, made when they were visiting Darwin for the Garma Festival and the Darwin Festival.
Extended Data
- ID
- MT2
- Languages
- English - eng, Indonesian - ind
- Countries
- Australia - AU, Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Martin Thomas
- Contact
- License
- As yet unspecified
- Rights
- As yet unspecified
Latitude2.8195 Longitude101.676 Start Date2001-01-07 End Date2001-01-07
Audio recordings of Besisi (Malaysia). Includes stories (general and personal), conversation, lexical material elicitation, history and speeches.
Extended Data
- ID
- NK1
- Languages
- English - eng, Mah Meri - mhe, Malay, Standard - zsm
- Countries
- Malaysia - MY
- Publisher
- Nicole Kruspe
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude3.7405 Longitude102.081 Start Date2005-04-19 End Date2005-04-19
Audio recordings of Chewong (Malasyia). Includes traditional stories, personal stories, elicited lexical materials and conversation.
Extended Data
- ID
- NK3
- Languages
- Cheq Wong - cwg
- Countries
- Malaysia - MY
- Publisher
- Nicole Kruspe
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-5.46735 Longitude144.6235 Start Date1991-01-01 End Date1991-01-01
"tapes of Maring language speakers (fringe Western Highlands and Madang Provinces PNG)- These are a mix or recordings of meetings, dispujtes, interviews and singing. The tapes date back to 1979, 1987 and 1991. I cannot pretend that Maring is an endangered language. Certainly in my experience it is in rude good health although it may well be changing under the impact of highlands Tok Pisin. On the other hand I think the tapes reflect what is now an historical record of the language from a very considerable variety of speakers and it is one that in the long run I woujld like to return to the Kwima community themselves. In this regard it may well be that the tapes would provide something of a record of certain rhetorical styles of speech making (see Merlan and Rumsey 1991) that may well be undergoing radical transformation or in decline." Neil MacLean
Extended Data
- ID
- NM1
- Languages
- Maring - mbw, Tok Pisin - tpi
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Neil Maclean
- Contact
- License
- Mixed (check individual items)
- Rights
- Mixed (check individual items)
Latitude-17.65 Longitude168.3425 Start Date1995-08-16 End Date1995-08-16
Records in this collection were made during fieldwork, mainly in Erakor Village, Efate, Vanuatu since 1996. They consist of audio recordings of South Efate speakers, originally on audio cassettes (hence there are often A and B sides of a single item). There is a total of over 40 hours of language material, and the collection includes time-aligned transcripts in Elan for many recordings, and interlinear text for a small proportion of them. It also includes field notes. The material here is the basis for Thieberger's grammar of South Efate which also cites primary material in this collection. Where there is a transcript the file has the same name as the recording with a .txt extension. These transcriptions are not as accurate as the versions that are found in the interlinear annotation, and also have relics of earlier transcription conventions (p$ and m$ for coarticulated p̃ and m̃).
Many of these transcripts have then been interlinearised in the version that can be found in NT8. More recordings and other material in South Efate can be found in collections NT1 to NT7 in PARADISEC. A description of the collections is given here:
Extended Data
- ID
- NT1
- Languages
- Bislama - bis, Efate, South - erk, Lelepa - lpa
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Nick Thieberger
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-22.718 Longitude122.3245 Start Date2010-05-25 End Date2010-05-25
Audio recordings of Warnman (Australia). Includes songs, discussion, word lists (esp. plants) and traditional stories. Some in languages other than Warnman (although unidentified). Private items are not displayed.
Extended Data
- ID
- NT10
- Languages
- English - eng, Martu Wangka - mpj, Wanman - wbt
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Nick Thieberger
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-31.2052 Longitude127.4535 Start Date1993-03-31 End Date1993-03-31
A recording with a man who grew up with Mirning (SE WA, Australia) speakers. Recorded in the Royal Perth hospital where he was temporarily a patient at the time.
Extended Data
- ID
- NT11
- Languages
- English - eng, Kalarko - kba
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Nick Thieberger
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.7735 Longitude168.267 Start Date2005-06-15 End Date2005-06-15
A grammatical description of the language of Erakor village, South Efate, Vanuatu.
Extended Data
- ID
- NT2
- Languages
- English - eng, Efate, South - erk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Nick Thieberger
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.78305 Longitude168.3345 Start Date1911-01-01 End Date1911-01-01
South Efate documents, keyboarded versions of early texts written in South Efate. NT3-NadusIskei is the first book from Efate. NT3-catechism is the Efatese primer catechism and hymn book from 1911, text and images of the original.
NT3-kenesis is Keyboarded from Genesis translated by Rev. J.Cosh (1874)
NT3-scripturehistory, 1923,"Scripture History: Efate New Hebrides 1923. NT3-sope,Stories by Pastor Sope,
Handwritten manuscript kept by Shirley Macrae (not the same as NT3-storian).
NT3-storian. A rendering of the Sope stories into current usage, "Storian Blong Pastor Sope long lanwis blong Saot Efate we oli bin kamaot samples long yia 1950," Endis Kalsarap translated them into modern South Efate and into Bislama.
The Sesake (a north Efate variety) document is a transcription of Bishop Patteson's manuscript.
Extended Data
- ID
- NT3
- Languages
- Bislama - bis, Efate, South - erk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Nick Thieberger
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.7843 Longitude168.318 Start Date2004-11-23 End Date2004-11-23
South Efate pictures. Photos resulting from fieldwork in Erakor village, South Efate, mainly plant identification photos.
Extended Data
- ID
- NT4
- Languages
- Efate, South - erk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Nick Thieberger
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.78 Longitude168.3395 Start Date2005-10-19 End Date2005-10-19
NT5 is a set of audio and video recordings and transcripts from fieldwork between 2000 and 2008.
It includes additional fieldwork in the Lelepa language, mainly on Lelepa Island.
Extended Data
- ID
- NT5
- Languages
- Efate, South - erk, Lelepa - lpa
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Nick Thieberger
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.5911 Longitude168.2155 Start Date2005-10-20 End Date2005-10-20
NT6 has audio and video recordings in the Lelepa language.
Extended Data
- ID
- NT6
- Languages
- Bislama - bis, Lelepa - lpa
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Nick Thieberger
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.7045 Longitude168.3765 Start Date2008-07-16 End Date2008-07-16
South Efate and Lelepa Island, photographs
Extended Data
- ID
- NT7
- Languages
- Efate, South - erk, Lelepa - lpa
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Nick Thieberger
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.7745 Longitude168.3165 Start Date2006-11-05 End Date2006-11-05
A dictionary and texts in South Efate. Created in Toolbox, this is a work-in-progress that will be updated periodically. Toolbox requires settings files (TYP) that accompany the main data. Thus the file NT8-TEXT-DIC_[DATE].txt has the accompanying file NT8-TEXT-DICTYP_[DATE].txt. The collection of texts in NT8-TEXT-TX_[DATE].txt has the TYP file in NT8-TEXT-TXTYP_[DATE].txt. Contact Nick Thieberger for the latest version of this material.
Extended Data
- ID
- NT8
- Languages
- Efate, South - erk
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Nick Thieberger
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.6665 Longitude168.2675 Start Date2006-12-27 End Date2006-12-27
Photos taken during 2006 fieldwork on South Efate and Lelepa.
Extended Data
- ID
- NT9
- Languages
- Aneityum - aty, Efate, South - erk, Lelepa - lpa
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Nick Thieberger
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-2.419 Longitude105.7455 Start Date1984-06-30 End Date1984-06-30
2 cassette tapes with recordings of an endangered language (Lom, Bangka Island, Indonesia). Includes a funeral speech and animal stories.
Extended Data
- ID
- OS1
- Languages
- Bangka - mfb
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Olaf Smedal
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-22.662368 Longitude135.667 Start Date2012-09-27 End Date2012-09-27
These tapes are held in the Fisher Library Archives, Uni of Sydney. Boxes 134-139. P.130 Personal Archives of Professor A P Elkin Series 19 Audio tapes This is not a comprehensive item list as not all the tapes had descriptions of what was on them. Therefore their item number is omitted from the list. 1 to 31 Miscellaneous audio tapes Boxes 134-135 (Assessed 2010-10-24)
Extended Data
- ID
- P130_19
- Languages
- Alawa - alh, Buang, Mapos - bzh, English - eng, Fore - for, French - fra, Gorakor - goc, Djingili - jig, Siliput - mkc, Pitjantjatjara - pjt, Torres Strait Creole - tcs, Tiwi - tiw, Telefol - tlf, Tok Pisin - tpi, Warlpiri - wbp, Wahgi - wgi, Warlmanpa - wrl, Warumungu - wrm, Multiple languages - mul, Undetermined language - und, No linguistic content - zxx
- Countries
- Australia - AU, France - FR, Korea, South - KR, Papua New Guinea - PG, United States - US
- Publisher
- A.P. Elkin
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-6.088 Longitude155.1205 Start Date1973-06-17 End Date1973-06-17
Lawunula, Uruava, Bannoni language recordings. (PNG)
Extended Data
- ID
- PCL1
- Languages
- Bannoni - bcm, Lawunuia - tgi, Uruava - urv
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Piet Lincoln
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude6.5 Longitude116.875 Start Date1985-06-27 End Date1985-06-27
Audio recordings of Kimaragang, spoken in Malaysia. Recordings include folk tales, legends, cultural information on rites and craft, conversation, song, rituals, riddles and history, both personal and general. Also includes a survey of the Sonsogon dialect.
Extended Data
- ID
- PK1
- Languages
- Kimaragang - kqr
- Countries
- Malaysia - MY
- Publisher
- Paul Kroeger
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude3.475 Longitude113.198 Start Date1971-11-01 End Date1971-11-01
Audio recordings from a range of languages made by Robert Blust. Includes Bintulu, Northern Sarawak: Kiput, Long Labid (Penan), Sa'ban, Long Sela'an (Kenyah dialect), Sebop (Kenyah dialect), Long Merigam (Penan), Batu Belah (Berawan dialect), Long Jegan (Berawan dialect), Long Terawan (Berawan dialect), Long Dunin (Kenyah dialect), Narum (Malasyia), Bima (Indonesia), Thao, Tsou (Taiwan), Kenyah (Borneo), Manus languages: Loniu, ERE, Titan, Likum, Lou, Levei, Nauna, Lindrou, Pelipowai, Ahus, Pak, Leipon, Seimat, Penchal, Ndrehet, Naringel (?), Wuvulu (Papua New Guinea), as well as comparative work on Austronesian languages. Data for each language differs but collection contains song, radio recordings, word lists, stories and music.
Extended Data
- ID
- RB1
- Languages
- Andra-Hus - anx, Bima - bhp, Bintulu - bny, English - eng, Kiput - kyi, Leipon - lek, Likum - lib, Nyindrou - lid, Lou - loj, Loniu - los, Nauna - ncn, Narom - nrm, Penchal - pek, Pak-Tong - pkg, Tulu-Bohuai - rak, Sa'ban - snv, Thao - ssf, Seimat - ssg, Khehek - tlx, Tsou - tsu, Titan - ttv, Long Wat - ttw, Ere - twp, Wuvulu-Aua - wuv, Uma' Lasan - xky, Multiple languages - mul
- Countries
- Australia - AU, Indonesia - ID, Malaysia - MY, Papua New Guinea - PG, Taiwan - TW
- Publisher
- Robert Blust
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude9.06178 Longitude8.70118 Start Date2012-04-21 End Date2012-04-21
Roger Blench's collection of language recordings from Nigeria - multiple languages
Extended Data
- ID
- RB3
- Languages
- Bata - bta, Cakfem-Mushere - cky, Fali - fli, Yiwom - gek, Kamwe - hig, Kulere - kul, Kofyar - kwl, Miship - mjs, Polci - plj, Mwaghavul - sur, Dera - kna
- Countries
- Nigeria - NG
- Publisher
- Roger Blench
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-8.900145 Longitude126.1515 Start Date2003-11-28 End Date2003-11-28
Video recordings of music from Timor-Leste (also known as East Timor). Music included from a range of languages including Mambae, Kemak, Tetun, Tetun Terik, Bikili, Fataluka, Meto, English, Bunak, Makadade, Makili, Makasai, Fataluka, Lovaya, Bakeno, Tokadadem, Instruments used include voice, guitar, violin, babadok, stones, tohi, gong, cow horn, bells, auu, fui, lakado, metal mouth instruments and keyboards. Some recordings also include interviews.
Ros Dunlop's book which came out of this research:
Published by TEKEE MEDIA (2012, Sydney)
ISBN: 9780646581835
Extended Data
- ID
- RD1
- Languages
- Bunak - bfn, Baikeno - bkx, Fataluku - ddg, English - eng, Kemak - kem, Makuv'a - lva, Mambae - mgm, Makasae - mkz, Tetun - tet, Tukudede - tkd
- Countries
- East Timor - TL
- Publisher
- Ros Dunlop
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-5.4695 Longitude143.6855 Start Date1972-01-01 End Date1972-01-01
Recordings related to Roderic Lacey's PhD Dissertation, 'Oral traditions as history: An exploration of oral sources among the Enga of the New Guinea Highlands’, 1971- 1974' (ANUA 276)
Extended Data
- ID
- RJL1
- Languages
- Enga - enq
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Roderic Lacey
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-8.5 Longitude151.1 Start Date2000-01-31 End Date2000-01-31
Two sets of recordings
I: Items 001 to 007 are recordings made by the Kiriwina pastor Antonio Lubisa Bunaimata of his life story. Some tapes are barely audible
II: Items 008 to 014 contain a mix of singing, chanting, drumming, and traditional stories
Ralph Lawton was a Methodist missionary from South Australia who lived on the island of Kiriwina, the biggest of the Trobriand Islands in Papua New Guinea, between 1961-1973. During that time, he made a series of audio recordings of the oral traditions, music and languages of the island. Ralph went on to receive a doctorate in linguistics from the Australian National University in 2013. These recordings cover a range of musical styles and they are a beautiful sonic record of the culture of the Trobriand Islands.
(Steven Gagau, 2019)
Extended Data
- ID
- RL1
- Languages
- English - eng, Kilivila - kij, Motu - meu, Mailu - mgu, Tok Pisin - tpi, No linguistic content - zxx
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Ralph Lawton
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-4.5 Longitude143.619 Start Date2005-11-08 End Date2005-11-08
Oksap 2004 Texts collected in Tekin, Sandaun Province, 2004, by Robyn Loughnane in the Oksap language. Includes myth, cultural discussion, MPI reciprocals task, audio for dictionary entries and word lists.
Extended Data
- ID
- RL2
- Languages
- English - eng, Oksapmin - opm
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Robyn Loughnane
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.4 Longitude135.6825 Start Date1991-01-25 End Date1991-01-25
Cassettes recorded between 1991 and 1994 by Rachel Nordlinger, documenting Wambaya (primarily) and Gudanji, Northern Territory, Australia.
Extended Data
- ID
- RN1
- Languages
- English - eng, Yanyuwa - jao, Gudanji - nji, Kriol - rop, Wambaya - wmb, Garrwa - wrk
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Rachel Nordlinger
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-6.5 Longitude148.415 Start Date1969-01-01 End Date1969-01-01
New Guinea Pacific Journey 1969 and Sicilian Journey 1957-58. Papua New Guinea data includes interviews and what is probably a rerecord of the Chimbu drumming which was analysed by musicologist, Raymond Clausen and article published in musicologist's journal. Also recording of Maori, and Maori music (some recorded from radio). Recording in Australia includes interviews with Indigenous people talking about history and assimilation. Recordings from Italy are of Sicilian music. 10 reel to reel recordings (8 N.G.P. 1969; 2 Sicilian)
1969: Akai Recorder; 1957-8: Standard BBC Recording Equipment.
Extended Data
- ID
- RP1
- Languages
- Italian - ita, Maori - mri, Sicilian - scn
- Countries
- Australia - AU, Italy - IT, New Zealand - NZ, Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Roslyn Poignant
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-12.0525 Longitude132.92 Start Date2002-09-16 End Date2002-09-16
Ruth Singer's recordings from north-west Arnhem Land, mainly Mawng at Warruwi (Goulburn Island) but also some other languages and locations
Extended Data
- ID
- RS1
- Languages
- Arrarnta, Western - are, Burarra - bvr, Djambarrpuyngu - djr, English - eng, Guragone - gge, Gunwinggu - gup, Iwaidja - ibd, Maung - mph, Are - mwc, Kala Lagaw Ya - mwp, Torres Strait Creole - tcs, Kunbarlang - wlg, Undetermined language - und, Dhuwal - dwu
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Ruth Singer
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-8.1725 Longitude159.4185 Start Date2007-11-15 End Date2007-11-15
Audio recordings of Blablanga (also known as Blanga) spoken in the Soloman Islands. Includes word lists, elicited sentences, discussion of culture, history (both personal and general), discussion of daily life and tasks, directions, colours, stories, poems, riddles, explanation of traditional dace, song and conversation. Also recorded are a range of elicitation tasks including the pear story, map tasks, Bowerman's topological relations pictures, frog story, Johnston's 1989 Austronesian elicitation questionnaire, MPI containment task, MPI caused positions clips, mouse story and MPI walnut game.
Extended Data
- ID
- RV1
- Languages
- Blablanga - blp, English - eng, Zazao - jaj, Pijin - pis
- Countries
- Solomon Islands - SB
- Publisher
- Radu Voica
- Contact
- License
- Mixed (check individual items)
- Rights
- Mixed (check individual items)
Latitude0 Longitude150 Start Date1975-01-01 End Date1975-01-01
A collection of recordings from a variety of languages. The Australian recordings are a collection of 17 33 1/3 RPM records collected by Strehlow of Arrarnta. Languages recorded in Papua New Guinea include Tok Pisin, Tege (Agarabi), Kiwai, Gidra, Enga and Koita. Recordings in Solomon Islands include Reef Island, Te Motu, Dawea, Santa Cruz (Natügu and Nalögo) and South Santa Cruz. The recording from French Polynesia is of Tahitian and the Greenland recordings are of Inuktitut and Greenlandic. There are also a number of entries which do not specify the country or languages but state “many languages represented.”
Extended Data
- ID
- SAW1
- Languages
- Arrernte, Eastern - aer, Agarabi - agd, Arrarnta, Western - are, Enga - enq, Motu, Hiri - hmo, Kalaallisut, Greenlandic - kal, Koitabu - kqi, Nalögo - nlz, Natügu - ntu, Tahitian - tah, Tok Pisin - tpi
- Countries
- Australia - AU, Greenland - GL, French Polynesia - PF, Papua New Guinea - PG, Solomon Islands - SB
- Publisher
- Stephen (S.A.) Wurm
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-8.953185 Longitude160.497 Start Date2004-09-14 End Date2004-09-14
A large collection of audio recordings made by Stephen Wurm in a number of countries on a variety of languages. Solomon Island data comprises the majority of the collection. Languages recorded include Santa Cruz (split into Natügu and Nalögo), Reef Island (Ayiwo). Data for each language varies but recordings include word lists, material for dictionary, elicited sentences, discussion about language, stories, phonological recordings, hymns, Christian texts and conversation. Also contains some written correspondence and a list of images taken. Recordings from French Polynesia include two small tapes of Tahitian. Recordings from Papua New Guinea include data from Olana and a public lecture given in Tok Pisin. Data from Australia includes Wanggamala, Bundhamara, Garlali and Badjirim. Also two files are noted as being made in New Zeland, but the language documented is not noted.
Extended Data
- ID
- SAW2
- Languages
- English - eng, Gadsup - gaj, Guwamu - gwu, Äiwoo - nfl, Nagu - ngr, Nalögo - nlz, Natügu - ntu, Pijin - pis, Tahitian - tah, Tok Pisin - tpi, Wanggamala - wnm, Margany - zmc, Garlali - gll, Badjiri - jbi, Kungkari - lku, Punthamara - xpt
- Countries
- Australia - AU, New Zealand - NZ, French Polynesia - PF, Papua New Guinea - PG, Solomon Islands - SB
- Publisher
- Stephen (S.A.) Wurm
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-28.055 Longitude139.92 Start Date1966-06-29 End Date1966-06-29
Audio and written material (including field notes, correspondences, administrative papers, personal documents, etc.) collected by Stephen A. Wurm. Original materials archived at the Australian National University Archives, collection code: ANUA 233. Language materials from the Solomon Islands, PNG, Australia and various locations.
Extended Data
- ID
- SAW3
- Languages
- Angal - age, Binumarien - bjr, Bine - bon, English - eng, Enga - enq, Gende - gaf, Alekano - gah, Kayardild - gyd, Motu, Hiri - hmo, Huli - hui, Agob - kit, Kiwai, Southern - kjd, Waboda - kmx, Kuman - kue, Kosena - kze, Lardil - lbz, Nambo - ncm, Nomane - nof, Pintupi-Luritja - piu, Pintiini - pti, Siane - snp, Gizrra - tof, Tok Pisin - tpi, Usarufa - usa, Warlpiri - wbp, Wahgi - wgi, Yagaria - ygr, Multiple languages - mul
- Countries
- Australia - AU, Papua New Guinea - PG, Solomon Islands - SB
- Publisher
- Stephen (S.A.) Wurm
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-6.2869345 Longitude149.066 Start Date1970-01-01 End Date1970-01-01
This collection is a subset of the larger series of papers from Stephen Wurm. The entire series is located at the ANU Archives (ANUA 233); SAW4 includes the written material covering his research in Papua New Guinea. Correspondences, language journals, research papers, papers presented at conferences and seminars, general notes, maps, index cards, photographs, copies of published articles are archived here.
Extended Data
- ID
- SAW4
- Languages
- Multiple languages - mul
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Stephen (S.A.) Wurm
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude27.8045 Longitude95.813 Start Date2001-03-28 End Date2001-03-28
Recordings in the Turung communities of Assam (India). Audio recordings of Phake (India), includes stories, songs, discussion, prayers, history and phonetic discussion.
Extended Data
- ID
- SDM01
- Languages
- Phake - phk
- Countries
- India - IN
- Publisher
- Stephen Morey
- Contact
- License
- As yet unspecified
- Rights
- As yet unspecified
Latitude26.44005 Longitude93.9917 Start Date2001-04-11 End Date2001-04-11
Audio recordings of Aiton made in several villages (India). Includes word lists, history, stories, proverbs, songs, chanting, and discussions about language and cultural activities.
Extended Data
- ID
- SDM02
- Languages
- Aiton - aio
- Countries
- India - IN
- Publisher
- Stephen Morey
- Contact
- License
- As yet unspecified
- Rights
- As yet unspecified
Latitude25.07145 Longitude90.0586 Start Date2001-04-10 End Date2001-04-10
Audio recordings of Khamyang, spoken in India. Includes song and discussion.
Extended Data
- ID
- SDM03
- Languages
- Khamyang - ksu
- Countries
- India - IN
- Publisher
- Stephen Morey
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude26.966 Longitude94.6829 Start Date2007-01-12 End Date2007-01-12
Audio recordings of Ahom (India). Includes a speaker reading the book Khon Mu'ng Lum Phai and then explaining the book.
Extended Data
- ID
- SDM04
- Languages
- Ahom - aho
- Countries
- India - IN
- Publisher
- Stephen Morey
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude26.5045 Longitude96.2165 Start Date2002-03-20 End Date2002-03-20
Audio recordings of Khamti (India). Includes song and discussion about language and village life.
Extended Data
- ID
- SDM05
- Languages
- Khamti - kht
- Countries
- India - IN
- Publisher
- Stephen Morey
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude26.78255 Longitude93.55225 Start Date2002-02-01 End Date2002-02-01
Audio recordings of Turung, a Tibeto-Burman language, related to Jingpo or Jinghpaw, spoken in India. Includes stories, word lists song, and discussions about history, culture, agriculture, songs and grammar.
Extended Data
- ID
- SDM07
- Languages
- Singpho - sgp, Turung - try
- Countries
- India - IN
- Publisher
- Stephen Morey
- Contact
- License
- As yet unspecified
- Rights
- As yet unspecified
Latitude27.87395 Longitude96.165 Start Date2004-05-01 End Date2004-05-01
Audio recordings of Singpho, spoken in India. Includes discussions of personal history, cultural information, phonological data, cultural history, stories, proverbs and word lists.
Extended Data
- ID
- SDM08
- Languages
- Singpho - sgp
- Countries
- India - IN
- Publisher
- Stephen Morey
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude27.84805 Longitude96.15785 Start Date2006-02-20 End Date2006-02-20
Audio recordings of Singpho, spoken in India. Includes discussions about stories, word elicitation, stories and cultural information.
Extended Data
- ID
- SDM09
- Languages
- Singpho - sgp
- Countries
- India - IN
- Publisher
- Stephen Morey
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude27.856 Longitude96.27685 Start Date2005-12-15 End Date2005-12-15
Audio recordings of Singpho (Tieng Hkawng Variety), spoken in India. Includes songs.
Extended Data
- ID
- SDM10
- Languages
- Singpho - sgp
- Countries
- India - IN
- Publisher
- Stephen Morey
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude27.235 Longitude96.402 Start Date2007-01-09 End Date2007-01-09
Audio recordings of the Youngkuk dialect of Tangsa NST (also known as Tase Naga), spoken in India. Includes word lists, some sentence elicitation, discussions about history.
Extended Data
- ID
- SDM11
- Languages
- Naga, Tase - nst
- Countries
- India - IN
- Publisher
- Stephen Morey
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude27.235 Longitude96.402 Start Date2007-01-25 End Date2007-01-25
Audio recordings of the Tonglum dialect of Tangsa NST (also known as Tase Naga), spoken in India. Includes word lists, sentence elicitation, ethnographic information stories and some comparative work.
Extended Data
- ID
- SDM12
- Languages
- English - eng, Burmese - mya, Naga, Tase - nst
- Countries
- India - IN, Myanmar - MM
- Publisher
- Stephen Morey
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude27.235 Longitude96.402 Start Date2007-02-20 End Date2007-02-20
Audio recordings of the Kimsing dialect of Tangsa NST (also known as Tase Naga), spoken in India. Some words and sentences.
Extended Data
- ID
- SDM13
- Languages
- Naga, Tase - nst
- Countries
- India - IN
- Publisher
- Stephen Morey
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude27.235 Longitude96.402 Start Date2007-02-20 End Date2007-02-20
Audio recordings of the Tikhak dialect of Tangsa NST (also known as Tase Naga), spoken in India.
Extended Data
- ID
- SDM14
- Languages
- Naga, Tase - nst
- Countries
- India - IN, Oman - OM
- Publisher
- Stephen Morey
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-4.851455 Longitude141.5965 Start Date2004-04-01 End Date2004-04-01
Language data recorded with East-Mian speakers during field work (Jan-Jul 2004).
Extended Data
- ID
- SF1
- Languages
- Mian - mpt
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Sebastian Fedden
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-5.691 Longitude142.377 Start Date2005-01-01 End Date2005-01-01
Audio recordings of East Mian (Papua New Guinea). Recordings include word lists, phonological data, elicited sentences and stories.
Extended Data
- ID
- SF2
- Languages
- Mian - mpt
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Sebastian Fedden
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-17.5975 Longitude168.2105 Start Date2006-04-02 End Date2006-04-02
This collection is organised around audio recordings form Lelepa, collected in 2006-2008. It includes narratives (traditional, personal), procedural texts, public speeches, elicitation (wordlists). Recordings are associated with their transcription files (.eaf and .txt files) generated through Elan and Toolbox. Some recordings are also associated with pictures relating to the recording event.
Extended Data
- ID
- SL1
- Languages
- Lelepa - lpa
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Sebastien Lacrampe
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude17.67545 Longitude99.9151 Start Date2011-04-15 End Date2011-04-15
Materials from a structured task for gathering enriched language data for descriptive, comparative and documentary purposes. The task involves collaborative narrative problem-solving and retelling by a pair or small group of language speakers, and was developed as an aid to investigating grammatical categories relevant to psychosocial cognition. The pictures set up a dramatic story where participants can feel empathetic involvement with the characters, and trace individual motivations, mental and physical states, and points of view. The data-gathering task allows different cultural groups to imbue the pictures with their own experiences, concerns, and conventions and stimulates the spontaneous use of previously under-recorded linguistic structures. Picture sets include "Family Problems" and "Crow and Jackal".
Extended Data
- ID
- SocCog
- Languages
- Auslan - asf, Arta - atz, Avatime - avn, Bali - ban, Chinese, Mandarin - cmn, Dahalo - dal, Dargwa - dar, German, Standard - deu, Duna - duc, English - eng, Fas - fqs, Iwaidja - ibd, Idi - idi, Ilocano - ilo, Indonesian - ind, Japanese - jpn, Jingpho - kac, Kannada - kan, Korean - kor, Matukar - mjk, Bo-Ung - mux, Murrinh-Patha - mwf, Burmese - mya, Sibe - nco, Ngalkbun - ngk, Kriol - rop, Xibe - sjo, Spanish - spa, Wára - tci, Tok Pisin - tpi, Yuracare - yuz, Malay, Standard - zsm, Multiple languages - mul
- Countries
- Australia - AU, Bolivia - BO, Colombia - CO, Germany - DE, Ghana - GH, Indonesia - ID, Japan - JP, Myanmar - MM, Malaysia - MY, Papua New Guinea - PG, Philippines - PH, Russian Federation - RU
- Publisher
- Danielle Barth
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude27.45 Longitude86.1675 Start Date2009-11-25 End Date2009-11-25
This collection includes audio-video recordings of Syuba, spoken in the Ramechhap district of Nepal. It also contains a smaller collection of audio-video recordings of Ilam Yolmo, a mutually intelligible variety spoken in a different district of Nepal. These collections have been archived together because of their similarities and because they were recorded as part of the same research project. Many of the recordings are monologues, interviews or conversations. ELAN transcriptions are available for a subset of the collection, and will continue to be added as work on the collection progresses. There are also some experimental and elicited data, as well as supplementary materials including scanned notes, FLEx files, GPS data and publications about the language. This project is still in active development until June 2017.This collection includes audio-video recordings of Syuba, spoken in the Ramechhap district of Nepal. It also contains a smaller collection of audio-video recordings of Ilam Yolmo, a mutually intelligible variety spoken in a different district of Nepal. These collections have been archived together because of their similarities and because they were recorded as part of the same research project. Many of the recordings are monologues, interviews or conversations. ELAN transcriptions are available for a subset of the collection, and will continue to be added as work on the collection progresses. There are also some experimental and elicited data, as well as supplementary materials including scanned notes, FLEx files, GPS data and publications about the language. This project is still in active development until June 2017.
The language is listed in the ISO codes as Kagate, but speakers in Ramechhap are increasingly using the name Syuba (Kagate is a Nepal word, while Syuba is the same name in their own language). The Yolmo variety spoken in Ilam is very similar to Syuba in Ramechhap, but the speaker have a history of referring to themselves and their language as Yolmo, which means it is categorised under a different ISO code.
Deposit contents
The majority of bundles in this collection are audio-video recordings. There are 8 and a half hours of narrative, conversations and interviews which can be broken down further by genre:
3 hours of data about the 2015 earthquakes in Nepal
2 hours of personal narratives other than earthquake
2 hours of historical narrative
1.5 hours of fiction narrative and two
There are also:
1 hour of descriptive texts
1.5 hours of song
3 hours of conversation
1.5 hours of stimuli tasks
7 hours of elicitation, which mostly covers tone, evidentiality and verb use
1 hour of video of people performing culturally important activities
There are also over 4.5 hours of recordings of people giving their consent for their recordings to be shared. While this is almost entirely in Nepali, and not Syuba, it contains a wealth of ethnographic information.
Approximately 3 hours of this data are in Ilam Yolmo, and the remainder are in Syuba. As of June 2016 there are interlinearised and translated ELAN transcriptions for 2 hours of Syuba data, and another 1 hours of transcriptions with Nepali translations. ELAN transcriptions and interlinearisations will continue to be added as they are processed.
Funding for the creation of this collection came from ELDP, Firebird Foundation, NTU's Centre for Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Stack Exchange and The Awesome Foundation (Ottawa).
Extended Data
- ID
- SUY1
- Languages
- Tibetan - bod, Nepali - nep, Kagate - syw
- Countries
- Nepal - NP
- Publisher
- Lauren Gawne
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-16.4695 Longitude168.2085 Start Date1977-01-01 End Date1977-01-01
Audio recordings of Paama, spoken in Vanuatu.
Extended Data
- ID
- TC1
- Languages
- Bislama - bis, Paama - pma
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Terry Crowley
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-16.2265 Longitude167.427 Start Date1998-06-23 End Date1998-06-23
Audio recordings of Neve'ei (spoken in the village of Vinmavis, Vanuatu). Also one recording with Naman. Includes stories.
Extended Data
- ID
- TC10
- Languages
- Bislama - bis, Neve'ei - vnm
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Terry Crowley
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-16.98 Longitude168.205 Start Date2007-09-21 End Date2007-09-21
Audio recordings of Bislama. Mainly Bislama stories, with a few words given in another language in the first minutes of the tape.
Extended Data
- ID
- TC11
- Languages
- Bislama - bis
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Terry Crowley
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-16.132 Longitude167.415 Start Date2001-01-01 End Date2001-01-01
Audio recordings of Naman (also known as Litzlitz), spoken in Vanuatu.
Extended Data
- ID
- TC2
- Languages
- Litzlitz - lzl
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Terry Crowley
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-16.98 Longitude168.205 Start Date2002-09-25 End Date2002-09-25
Matanvat, Vanuatu
Extended Data
- ID
- TC3
- Languages
- Malua Bay - mll
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Terry Crowley
- Contact
- License
- As yet unspecified
- Rights
- As yet unspecified
Latitude-16.0365 Longitude167.231 Start Date2004-08-07 End Date2004-08-07
Avava, Vanuatu
Extended Data
- ID
- TC4
- Languages
- Avava - tmb
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Terry Crowley
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-16.049 Longitude167.2465 Start Date2004-09-08 End Date2004-09-08
Khatbol, Vanuatu
Extended Data
- ID
- TC5
- Languages
- Avava - tmb
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Terry Crowley
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-16.053 Longitude167.2845 Start Date2002-09-04 End Date2002-09-04
Maragus, Vanuatu
Extended Data
- ID
- TC6
- Languages
- Maragus - mrs
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Terry Crowley
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-18.8435 Longitude169.1665 Start Date1995-03-01 End Date1995-03-01
Audio recordings of Sie, spoken in Vanuatu. Includes texts and images of field notes.
Extended Data
- ID
- TC7
- Languages
- Sie - erg, Ura (retired) - uur
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Terry Crowley
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-18.6805 Longitude169.084 Start Date1978-01-01 End Date1978-01-01
Audio recordings of Ura, spoken in Vanuatu. Includes discussion about history and stories.
Extended Data
- ID
- TC8
- Languages
- Bislama - bis, Ura (retired) - uur
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Terry Crowley
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-16.2265 Longitude167.427 Start Date2000-12-30 End Date2000-12-30
Audio recordings of Neve'ei (spoken in the village of Vinmavis, Vanuatu).
Extended Data
- ID
- TC9
- Languages
- Neve'ei - vnm
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Terry Crowley
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-6.5 Longitude148.415 Start Date1960-01-01 End Date1960-01-01
A collection of audio recordings from a number of languages of Papua New Guinea and Australia. Includes Tok Pisin, Motu, Hiri Motu, Toaripi, Opao, Orokolo, Kanju, Kaipi, Boera, Maipua, Purari (Koriki), Fore, Orokaiva, Notu (Ewage-Notu), Grass Koiari, Nara (Lala), Wahgi, Raepa Tati (Kaki Ae), Ouma, Mailu, Managalasi, Koita, Aomie, Barai, Rabuka, Rumu, Kibiri, Mountain Koiali, Koitabu, Mekeo, Suau, Toura, Abadi, Barai, Maria, Kuanua, Sinaugoro, Uare, Aomie, Ese, Baruga, Maisin, Umanakaina, Kanasi, Dawawa, Doga, Abau, Domu, Daga, Yareba, Magori, Tauade and Yele. Some language more that one dialect is present. Text types include stories, songs, basic elicitation, comparative work, radio recordings, language lessons, discussion. Also includes a lecture by K. L. Pike, recordings from ABC radio, recordings of Black American English (Tim Shopen), One recording of Bislama (Vanuatu), a recording of the 1977 Australian Museum conference, bird calls and data on Queensland pidgin, a recording in Kaandju (Australia), as well as data on Torres Strait English for the Queensland Speech Survey.
Extended Data
- ID
- TD1
- Languages
- Arifama-Miniafia - aai, Abau - aau, Aiome - aki, Ömie - aom, Arapesh, Bumbita - aon, Barai - bbb, Binandere - bhg, Bislama - bis, Baruga - bjz, Doga - dgg, Daga - dgz, Domu - dof, Toura - don, Dawawa - dww, English - eng, Fore - for, Umanakaina - gdn, Gimi - gim, Ginuman - gnm, Motu, Hiri - hmo, Hula - hul, Purari - iar, Dima - jma, Kanju - kbe, Koiari, Grass - kbk, Abadi - kbt, Rumu - klq, Koiali, Mountain - kpx, Doromu-Koki - kqc, Koitabu - kqi, Kuanua - ksd, Kuni - kse, Uare - ksj, Kuot - kto, Kuman - kue, Lau - llu, Maisin - mbq, Ese - mcq, Maria - mds, Melpa - med, Mekeo - mek, Motu - meu, Mailu - mgu, Mapena - mnm, Maiwa - mti, Ewage-Notu - nou, Lala - nrz, Onjob - onj, Opao - opo, Orokolo - oro, Ouma - oum, Pijin - pis, Kibiri - prm, Gapapaiwa - pwg, Sinaugoro - snc, Kanasi - soq, Suau - swp, Kaki Ae - tbd, Torres Strait Creole - tcs, Tigak - tgc, Tok Pisin - tpi, Toaripi - tqo, Tauade - ttd, Tairuma - uar, Ubir - ubr, Wahgi - wgi, Yele - yle, Yoba - yob, Yareba - yrb, Magori - zgr, Multiple languages - mul, Undetermined language - und, No linguistic content - zxx
- Countries
- Australia - AU, Fiji - FJ, Papua New Guinea - PG, Solomon Islands - SB, United States - US, Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Tom Dutton
- Contact
- License
- Mixed (check individual items)
- Rights
- Mixed (check individual items)
Latitude-9.2745 Longitude147.0515 Start Date2003-01-01 End Date2003-01-01
Koitabu dictionary in .rtf and .pdf formats.
Extended Data
- ID
- TD2
- Languages
- Koitabu - kqi
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Tom Dutton
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-3.1105 Longitude141.878 Start Date2005-09-26 End Date2005-09-26
A collection of elicitation sessions, texts, song, and performances from a field trip in late 2005 to early 2006. The work focuses on the language "Fas" or "Momu". This was a collaborative project. See also collections FB2 and BH1. There are wordlists from the neighbouring villages of Mafoka (Speakers of "Onei") and Onei (Speakers of "Pin"). Includes stories, sentence elicitation, object placement task and conversation.
Extended Data
- ID
- TH1
- Languages
- One, Molmo - aun, Fas - fqs, Tok Pisin - tpi
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Tom Honeyman
- Contact
- License
- Mixed (check individual items)
- Rights
- Mixed (check individual items)
Latitude-2.243445 Longitude147.2785 Start Date1952-12-31 End Date1952-12-31
The bulk of the collection comprises recorded interviews with the people of Manus Province, Papua New Guinea, made from 1953 through the 1990s. These include interviews in which psychological data are being collected, interviews regarding historical events, and interviews with leaders and participants in contemporary events. There are also a number of recordings of public meetings and religious services. Most of the recordings are in the lingua franca of much of Papua New Guinea, Tok Pisin. Others are in the local languages of Manus people, and some provide Tok Pisin translation of local language material. Non-audio material includes photographs taken during field research in Papua New Guinea as well as original field notes.
This file will list and annotate the tapes processed as part of Project Manus Digital. In this project many of the tapes I made in Manus (the whole Admiralty Island Archipelago, now known as Manus Province of Papua New Guinea, will be played from the reel to reel and cassette audio recordings into the Creative Labs Sound Blaster Awe 64 value sound card of my computer. This will make an analogue to digital conversion and store the digital copy of these analogue/ audio tapes. The digital copies will be stored first on Iomega Jaz disks, later on CD or DVD disks. While the tapes are playing and being digitally copied I will list them and in many cases annotate them in this file on my MS Word 97 word processor. In some cases I will transcribe sections of a tape in a separate word processor file. When that happens it will be noted in this file TapeWork/ntapes”
The tapes are in several series. A—stands for AIE or Admiralty Island Expedition, 1953-54. Margaret Mead was in Manus with TS and Lenore Foerstel (then Lenora Shargo Schwartz). We were based first in Bunai village, then in Pere village on the South Coast of Manus at that time. All tapes were reel-to-reel, made with a Magnecorder tape recorder powered by a gasoline generator.
The “N—series stands for NGAI, New Guinea Admiralty Island Expedition from 1963-1966. TS was accompanied by Lola Romanucci Ross (then Lola Romanucci Schwartz) for the first two years; alone for the third year. We were based in various villages, mostly Pere but for six months each in Sori, Mokareng, and for a shorter time, in Lorengau. Work in Bunai (an amalgamated village of Manus and Usiai) near Pere. RAI refers to “Return to Admiralty Island” in 1967 by TS. The CA expedition (which I have just assigned these initials) was in 1973 and 75. CA stands for Cognitive Acculturation, a TS project funded by the National Institute of Education. In 1973 I was accompanied by 3 then graduate students, Edwin Hutchins, Geoffrey White, and Michael Smith. I returned myself in 1975. Various trips of from 1 to 3 months follow. The last of these was in 1993.
There are between 300 and 400 tapes.
Note: There are a number of empty items in this collection, a result of the metadata being supplied before the recordings were provided. The Tuzin Archive at the University of San Diego has also created a collection for this material, see
Under the N-series of NGAI Expedition, two Items TS1-N018 and TS1-N159 were recorded in the Sepik Region. (Steven Gagau, September 2017)
Extended Data
- ID
- TS1
- Languages
- Andra-Hus - anx, Berinomo - bit, Bahinemo - bjh, Baluan-Pam - blq, English - eng, Iatmul - ian, Kurti - ktm, Leipon - lek, Likum - lib, Nyindrou - lid, Lou - loj, Loniu - los, Mokerang - mft, Mian - mpt, Ponam - ncc, Nauna - ncn, Nimo - niw, Mondropolon - npn, Nali - nss, Papitalai - pat, Penchal - pek, Pak-Tong - pkg, Tulu-Bohuai - rak, Sori-Harengan - sbh, Khehek - tlx, Tok Pisin - tpi, Titan - ttv, Wogamusin - wog, Wuvulu-Aua - wuv, Undetermined language - und, Lele - lle
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Theodore Schwartz
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-27.15 Longitude-109.433 Start Date1992-02-08 End Date1992-02-08
Rapanui and the Rapanui people Music and Histories from Rapa Nui recorded by Tote Tepano between 1983 and 2003. 21 cassette tapes, 2 commercial LPs
Extended Data
- ID
- TT1
- Languages
- Rapa Nui - rap
- Countries
- Chile - CL
- Publisher
- Tote Tepano
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-9.23 Longitude161.3 Start Date2003-07-22 End Date2003-07-22
Two recordings made in English and Pijin.
Extended Data
- ID
- TTK1
- Languages
- English - eng, Pijin - pis
- Countries
- Solomon Islands - SB
- Publisher
- Tarcisius Tara Kabutaulaka
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-4.274 Longitude152.1135 Start Date1961-01-01 End Date1961-01-01
Tuna (Kuanua), PNG
Extended Data
- ID
- UM1
- Languages
- Kuanua - ksd
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Ulrike Mosel
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-15.42 Longitude167.232 Start Date2006-05-10 End Date2006-05-10
Mafea, Vanuatu
Extended Data
- ID
- VG1
- Languages
- Mafea - mkv
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Valerie Guerin
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-4.501 Longitude142.832 Start Date1967-08-01 End Date1967-08-01
Bahinemo Language and Culture
Materials obtained over the years 1964-1989, then in larger quantity in 2007 and 2008. These were recorded mostly in Wagu Village with a few items in Inalu Village, Bahinemo language and ethnic group, all in the Ambunti District, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea. The collection comprises:
1. audio texts, including old texts often copied from poor originals but repeated by native speakers in 2008, and texts digitally recorded in 2007.
2. photos, both old and new
3. (eventually) videos of cultural activities, all made in 2007 and 2008
4. Transcriptions of some texts, both direct and analyzed
5. A glossary of around 3000 words with English and some Tok Pisin glosses
6. A phonology paper, a rudimentary grammar paper, and various other analyses
7. (eventually) genealogical charts and data on all people currently living in Wagu
8. (eventually) wordlists of Bahinemo and related languages, both oral and transcribed.
Extended Data
- ID
- WD1
- Languages
- Bahinemo - bjh
- Countries
- American Samoa - AS, Papua New Guinea - PG, Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Wayne Dye
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-3.94384 Longitude144.4925 Start Date1995-01-01 End Date1995-01-01
WILLIAM FOLEY COLLECTION DATA 28 CDs, total of 23 hours of language material original media: cassettes, reel-to-reel tapes, dates of recordings: 1959-60, 1977 (some with mould) All burned as audio CDs, with second copy for researcher in .AIFF data format. Archive copy of each CD in .AIFF data format.
Items 29-43 digitised and deposited in 2022 with the assistance of the Endangered Language Alliance (USA). Recording date for these items is unknown (1980 added as approximate guess)
Extended Data
- ID
- WF1
- Languages
- Nanubae - afk, Tapei - afp, Angoram - aog, Chambri - can, Ap Ma - kbx, Kyenele - kql, Lauan - llx, Manam - mva, Palauan - pau, Tabriak - tzx, Kopar - xop, Yimas - yee
- Countries
- Fiji - FJ, Papua New Guinea - PG, Palau - PW
- Publisher
- William Foley
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-4.72 Longitude143.572 Start Date1979-01-01 End Date1979-01-01
1 BASF reel to reel Yimas Mambu Music. For Endangered Languages website.
Extended Data
- ID
- WF2
- Languages
- Yimas - yee
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- William Foley
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-3.8655 Longitude143.62 Start Date2005-07-21 End Date2005-07-21
Items 1-5 (original deposit): 5 Cassette tapes of PNG recordings from 2005. Sepik language materials: Murik, Kis, Buna, Mandi, Muniwara, Bungain, Kaiep Word lists, paradigm, sentences
Items 6-11 deposited in 2021
Extended Data
- ID
- WF3
- Languages
- Abu - ado, Awar - aya, Biem - bmc, Bosmun - bqs, Bungain - but, Buna - bvn, Banaro - byz, Mbore - gai, Kaiep - kbw, Kayan - kct, Kis - kis, Murik - mtf, Juwal - mwb, Tok Pisin - tpi, Wiarumus - tua, Marangis - wax
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- William Foley
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-28.055 Longitude135.935 Start Date2003-06-19 End Date2003-06-19
There are 395 records of PNG songs (indexed by track) in the Wolfgang Laade Music of Man collection at the British Library National Sound Archive. It seems he deposited his whole collection there (there's also Cape York material) as - 1178 tracks). He also recorded in Taiwan (145 tracks) and other places, mainly India, Sri Lanka and various parts of Africa.
Extended Data
- ID
- WL1
- Languages
- Bilur - bxf, Mengen - mee, Simbali - smg, Lote - uvl, Multiple languages - mul
- Countries
- Australia - AU, Papua New Guinea - PG, Taiwan - TW
- Publisher
- Wolfgang Laade
- Contact
- License
- Mixed (check individual items)
- Rights
- Mixed (check individual items)
Latitude-17.0639 Longitude168.4855 Start Date2004-10-22 End Date2004-10-22
Namakir (Namakura), Vanuatu field recordings and lexicon. Also the Niue dictionary. This collection was located as a result of PARADISEC's 'Lost and Found' project and digitisation was funded by the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language.
Extended Data
- ID
- WS1
- Languages
- Niue - niu, Namakura - nmk
- Countries
- Niue - NU, Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Wolfgang Sperlich
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude26.45955 Longitude106.4192 Start Date1999-05-30 End Date1999-05-30
Chinese dialects
Extended Data
- ID
- YCL1
- Languages
- Chinese, Min Nan - nan
- Countries
- China - CN, Malaysia - MY, Thailand - TH
- Publisher
- Ying-che Li
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude7.3285 Longitude37.74 Start Date2007-07-09 End Date2007-07-09
Kambaata, Ethiopia
Extended Data
- ID
- YT1
- Languages
- Kambaata - ktb
- Countries
- Ethiopia - ET
- Publisher
- Yvonne Treis
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-12.0955 Longitude133.0915 Start Date2011-07-17 End Date2011-07-17
Recordings of performances of kun-borrk/manyardi public ceremony from western Arnhem Land and interviews/discussion with singers/performers sharing their knowledge of public ceremony and archival recordings. Includes the following:
- Brown's PhD fieldwork recordings, 2011-2016 (see Reuben Brown, 'Following footsteps: The kun-borrk/manyardi song tradition and its role in western Arnhem Land society', [2016] PhD thesis, University of Syndey ) including a mamurrng ceremony, funeral ceremony, local festivals and elicitation sessions recorded at various locations in western Arnhem Land and an academic conference in Canberra. Fieldwork funded by Australian Research Council funded project 'Intercultural inquiry in a trans-national context: Exploring the legacy of the 1948 American- Australian Scientific Expedition to Arnhem Land' (DP1096897)
- Recordings at a reburial ceremony at Gunbalanya, 2011, produced for 'Etched in Bone' by Martin Thomas and Béatrice Bijon
- Recordings of manyardi at Warruwi (2013) as part filming of 'Language Matters with Bob Holman' by Grubin Productions
- Recordings at Warruwi (2016-2017) with Ruth Singer for Faculty Research Grant investigating use of technology in maintenance of Mawng Language funded by University of Melbourne
- Recordings at the Wilin Centre, Melbourne (2017-2019) for the annual Research Unit for Indigenous Arts and Cultures workshops and symposia
- Recordings at Mowanjum, WA (2019) for the Mowanjum festival, funded by Early Career Research Grant 'Mobilising recordings of western Arnhem Land song to revitalise Exchange', University of Melbourne.
Extended Data
- ID
- RB2
- Languages
- Amarag - amg, Dhangu - dhg, Djinba - djb, English - eng, Gagadu - gbu, Gunwinggu - gup, Garig-Ilgar - ilg, Kabardian - kbd, Margu - mhg, Maung - mph, Urningangg - urc, Wadjiginy - wdj, Kunbarlang - wlg, Mangerr - zme, Maridjabin - zmj, Manangkari - znk
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Reuben Brown
- Contact
- License
- Mixed (check individual items)
- Rights
- Mixed (check individual items)
Latitude-5.503165 Longitude149.297 Start Date1980-01-01 End Date1980-01-01
Recordings, mainly of wordlists from Oceanic Austronesian languages, most of them in Papua New Guinea, collected as a basis for comparative-historical work, mostly between 1977 and 1982. Consultants were often students training at the then Goroka Teachers' College to be high-school teachers. Some were high-school students. Sometimes, especially with earlier recordings, all or part of the elicitation session was recorded. In other cases a consultant had provided a written list, and s/he was asked to read it for the tape. There were four wordlists, A, B, C and D, plus a phrase list for collecting grammatical structures. The wordlists contain 430 items and were intended for historical linguistic purposes, but only rarely did I collect anywhere near 430 items. Recordings often do not cover all four lists. The recordings are of varying quality, because the equipment was primitive (a battery-driven portable cassette recorder), recording conditions were sometimes difficult, and storage conditions were not always the best.
Extended Data
- ID
- MR1
- Languages
- Solong - aaw, Adzera - adz, Apalik - apo, Arop-Lokep - apr, Babatana - baa, Uneapa - bbn, Awad Bing - bcu, Bebeli - bek, Beli - bey, Bughotu - bgt, Barok - bjk, Bulu - bjl, Biem - bmc, Bola - bnp, Bilbil - brz, Bugawac - buk, Marik - dad, Goodenough, West - ddi, Dobu - dob, Mussau-Emira - emi, English - eng, Patpatar - gfk, Gitua - ggt, Hakö - hao, Hote - hot, Hula - hul, Tuma-Irumu - iou, Italian - ita, Yabem - jae, Iwal - kbm, Kaiep - kbw, Kela - kcl, Mamusi - kdf, Keapara - khz, Kilivila - kij, Koluwawa - klx, Konomala - koa, Kuanua - ksd, Kuni - kse, Kairiru - kxa, Labu - lbu, Tungag - lcm, Lesing-Gelimi - let, Lihir - lih, Lou - loj, Malol - mbk, Maisin - mbq, Maring - mbw, Watut, South - mcy, Mengen - mee, Mekeo - mek, Maleu-Kilenge - mgl, Matukar - mjk, Medebur - mjm, Buang, Mangga - mmo, Malalamai - mmt, Madak - mmx, Mbula - mna, Molima - mox, Misima-Paneati - mpx, Malasanga - mqz, Manam - mva, Are - mwc, Aiklep - mwg, Nakanai - nak, Notsi - ncf, Mondropolon - npn, Nehan - nsn, Olo - ong, Petats - pex, Ramoaaina - rai, Ronji - roe, Waima - rro, Roviana - rug, Sewa Bay - sew, Siar-Lak - sjr, Skou - skv, Solos - sol, Saposa - sps, Sera - sry, Seimat - ssg, Ulau-Suain - svb, Suau - swp, Mandara - tbf, Tiang - tbj, Tawala - tbo, Kapin - tbx, Tigak - tgc, Tangga (retired) - tgg, Sudest - tgo, Teop - tio, Tumleo - tmq, Tami - tmy, Tomoip - tqp, Bwanabwana - tte, Torau - ttu, Titan - ttv, Mutu - tuc, Ubir - ubr, Lote - uvl, Vanimo - vam, Wedau - wed, Muduapa - wiv, Waskia - wsk, Wuvulu-Aua - wuv, Sio - xsi, Kap - ykm, Sukurum - zsu, Undetermined language - und, Kara - leu
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID, Papua New Guinea - PG, Solomon Islands - SB
- Publisher
- Malcolm Ross
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-19.564 Longitude126.113 Start Date1978-01-01 End Date1978-01-01
Contents Walmajarri and English readings and Christian songs
Originally recorded at Fitzroy Crossing 1970s for distribution on audio tape to people in the Walmajarri community.
Extended Data
- ID
- Languages
- Walmajarri - wmt
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Joyce Hudson
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-27.5237 Longitude-144.221 Start Date2013-02-12 End Date2013-02-12
Audio files, videos, and photos
Extended Data
- ID
- MW1
- Languages
- French - fra, Rapa - ray, Tahitian - tah
- Countries
- French Polynesia - PF
- Publisher
- Mary Walworth
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-8.29879 Longitude159.185 Start Date2003-01-01 End Date2003-01-01
Collection of Åiwoo recordings made on Solomon Islands, including stories, elicited descriptions and stimulus recordings.
Extended Data
- ID
- AN1
- Languages
- Äiwoo - nfl
- Countries
- Solomon Islands - SB
- Publisher
- Åshild Næss
- Contact
Latitude14.266 Longitude145.227 Start Date2013-05-23 End Date2013-05-23
Materials from the (forthcoming) Revised Chamorro-English Dictionary, a community dictionary project funded by the National Science Foundation (USA) and undertaken by Chamorro speakers from Saipan, Rota, and Tinian (CNMI), as well as a collection of text files used to create the electronically formatted 1975 Chamorro-English Dictionary.
Extended Data
- ID
- CHA1
- Languages
- Chamorro - cha
- Countries
- Guam - GU, Northern Mariana Islands - MP
- Publisher
- Cameron Fruit
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-19.476 Longitude169.3815 Start Date2010-03-29 End Date2010-03-29
Part of Jeremy Hammond's corpus within The Language Archive's Language and Cognition Project corpus. This corpus is based on the Whitesands language of Vanuatu (Also known as Narak). It contains natural video data, elicitation sessions and photos of two important ceremonies.
Extended Data
- ID
- Languages
- Bislama - bis, Kwamera - tnk, Whitesands - tnp
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Jeremy Hammond
- Contact
- License
- Mixed (check individual items)
- Rights
- Mixed (check individual items)
Latitude-5.2645 Longitude144.5855 Start Date2011-12-31 End Date2011-12-31
Published 2011 as: A dictionary of Kalam with ethnographic notes / Andrew Pawley and Ralph Bulmer ; with the assistance of John Kias, Simon Peter Gi and Ian Saem Majnep. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
Extended Data
- ID
- AP3
- Languages
- Kalam - kmh
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Andrew Pawley
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-9.03 Longitude148.107 Start Date1974-10-31 End Date1974-10-31
A collection of recordings in the Ömie language.
Extended Data
- ID
- MAR1
- Languages
- Ömie - aom, Motu, Hiri - hmo
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Marta Rohatynskyj
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-7.819175 Longitude155.625 Start Date1965-01-01 End Date1965-01-01
A collection of recordings made by Rev George and Nancy Carter in the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea (Bougainville) from 1951-1965
Extended Data
- ID
- NC1
- Languages
- English - eng, Roviana - rug, Teop - tio
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG, Solomon Islands - SB
- Publisher
- Lynne McDonald
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-8.67309 Longitude158.218 Start Date2020-06-23 End Date2020-06-23
Gospel Recordings from the Solomon Islands on bakerlite disks.
Extended Data
- ID
- GM1
- Languages
- Babatana - baa, Pijin - pis, Roviana - rug
- Countries
- Solomon Islands - SB
- Publisher
- Graham McDonald
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-4.103 Longitude142.6645 Start Date2006-10-20 End Date2006-10-20
Kwoma Stories, Legends and Songs
Extended Data
- ID
- RLB1
- Languages
- Kwoma - kmo
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Renée Lambert-Brétière
- Contact
- License
- Mixed (check individual items)
- Rights
- Mixed (check individual items)
Latitude-4.158 Longitude142.686 Start Date2006-10-21 End Date2006-10-21
Tok Pisin recordings
Extended Data
- ID
- RLB2
- Languages
- Kwoma - kmo, Tok Pisin - tpi
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Renée Lambert-Brétière
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude9.5105 Longitude15.8445 Start Date1968-08-31 End Date1968-08-31
Azumeina - English Dictionary covering Marba, Leou and Kolong dialects compiled by Colin H Price between 1958 and 1968 with assistance from Azumeina translation colleagues including Jacques Chanegué (Kolong), Abraham Aloua (Leou) and Yakoub Biendrang (Marba).
Extended Data
- ID
- JW2
- Languages
- Marba - mpg
- Countries
- Chad - TD
- Publisher
- Colin Price
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-14.416 Longitude129.7015 Start Date2011-07-19 End Date2011-07-19
Various speech types and a wide range of speakers from Wadeye and Palumpa, Northern Territory, Australia
Extended Data
- ID
- JM4
- Languages
- Murrinh-Patha - mwf
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- John Mansfield
- Contact
- License
- Mixed (check individual items)
- Rights
- Mixed (check individual items)
Latitude8.7085 Longitude11.2415 Start Date2007-03-25 End Date2007-03-25
Niger-Congo field materials, collected by Roger Blench under the supervision of Dr David Crozier (UK; retired). Work is underway to collect further wordlists under this programme.
Extended Data
- ID
- RB5
- Languages
- Abanyom - abm, Putukwam - afe, Ayu - ayu, Kulung - bbu, Oroko - bdu, Iceve-Maci - bec, Vaghat-Ya-Bijim-Legeri - bij, Bile - bil, Kyak - bka, Bakoko - bkh, Bekwarra - bkv, Batanga - bnm, Berom - bom, Bauchi - bsf, Bete-Bendi - btt, Obanliku - bzy, Evant - bzz, Samba Daka - ccg, Cinda-Regi-Tiyal - cdr, Cara - cfd, Duguri - dbm, Duala - dua, Hun-Saare - dud, Ekajuk - eka, English - eng, French - fra, Gbiri-Niragu - grh, Gyele - gyi, Nkem-Nkum - isi, Hyam - jab, Jere - jer, Kadara - kad, Kaningkom-Nindem - kdp, Kuturmi - khj, Kwanja - knp, Kaan - ldl, Mbula-Bwazza - mbu, Malimba - mzd, Mambila, Nigeria - mzk, Nnam - nbp, Nde-Nsele-Nta - ndd, Ahwai - nfd, Kwasio - nmg, Efutop - ofu, Kpasam - pbn, Rogo - rod, Tiv - tiv, Tsishingini - tsw, Tsuvadi - tvd, Otank - uta, Wawa - www, Yasa - yko, Multiple languages - mul, Undetermined language - und, No linguistic content - zxx, Bali - bcn, Gwak - jgk, Yendang - ynq, Yotti - yot, Bena - yun
- Countries
- Cameroon - CM, Nigeria - NG
- Publisher
- Roger Blench
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-16.432 Longitude167.4415 Start Date2011-03-31 End Date2011-03-31
Ninde grammar and story
Extended Data
- ID
- EP1
- Languages
- Iaai - iai, Ninde - mwi, Roviana - rug
- Countries
- New Caledonia - NC, Solomon Islands - SB, Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Elizabeth Pearce
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-2.145205 Longitude114.9085 Start Date2013-07-24 End Date2013-07-24
Audio recordings and images of the Paku tribe in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Extended Data
- ID
- DD2
- Languages
- Indonesian - ind, Paku - pku
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Daniela Diedrich
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-7.74476 Longitude156.652 Start Date1997-06-30 End Date1997-06-30
Various stories told by Bilua speakers on the Vella Lavella Island, Solomon Islands
Extended Data
- ID
- KO1
- Languages
- Bilua - blb
- Countries
- Solomon Islands - SB
- Publisher
- Kazuko Obata
- Contact
Latitude-24.2265 Longitude143.2225 Start Date1976-12-12 End Date1976-12-12
Kunggari written materials
Extended Data
- ID
- GB03
- Languages
- English - eng, Kunggari - kgl
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Gavan Breen
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-22.797 Longitude139.9825 Start Date1975-12-12 End Date1975-12-12
Pitta Pitta written materials
Extended Data
- ID
- GB10
- Languages
- English - eng, Pitta Pitta - pit
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Gavan Breen
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-25.672 Longitude148.604 Start Date1972-05-12 End Date1972-05-12
Gungabula written materials including Breen's transcription of a selection of Peter Ford's recordings.
Extended Data
- ID
- GB01
- Languages
- English - eng, Gungabula - gyf
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Gavan Breen
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-23.3365 Longitude135.0465 Start Date1968-12-12 End Date1968-12-12
Eastern Arrernte written materials
Extended Data
- ID
- GB38
- Languages
- Arrernte, Eastern - aer, English - eng
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Gavan Breen
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-21.194 Longitude136.835 Start Date1967-12-12 End Date1967-12-12
Alyawarr written materials
Extended Data
- ID
- GB39
- Languages
- Alyawarr - aly, English - eng
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Gavan Breen
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-23.45435 Longitude135.519 Start Date1969-07-25 End Date1969-07-25
Antekerrepenh written materials including Breen's transcription of a selection of Barry J Blake's tapes
Extended Data
- ID
- GB41
- Languages
- Arrernte, Eastern - aer
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Gavan Breen
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-26.19765 Longitude135.3665 Start Date1966-12-12 End Date1966-12-12
Southern Arrernte written materials, including the dialect Pertame, and transcription of Ken Hale's tapes with Breen's notes
Extended Data
- ID
- GB45
- Languages
- Aranda, Lower Southern - axl
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Gavan Breen
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-21.422 Longitude133.6015 Start Date1995-12-12 End Date1995-12-12
Notes on the Kaytetye language
Extended Data
- ID
- GB48
- Languages
- Arrernte, Eastern - aer, English - eng, Kaytetye - gbb
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Gavan Breen
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude9.82749 Longitude124.3735 Start Date2014-06-20 End Date2014-06-20
This is a repository of materials related to the Eskaya community of Bohol with particular reference to the Eskayan language. Most of the materials were recorded, filmed, scanned or photographed by Piers Kelly between 2005 and 2011. Exceptions are the oral history recordings of Zoë Bedford made in 2003-2004. Important postgraduate work from Cristina Martinez-Juan from the 1990s was added later. It is at PK2-50.
The Eskayan language was assigned the ISO639-3 code [esy] in 2014 however this change has not yet been reflected in the PARADISEC Ethnologue list. For the time being, the collection is labelled 'Cebuano'.
File-naming conventions for media types:
AV - Audiovisual
DISS – Dissertations and other postgraduate research
GOV – Government documents
MAN – Manuscript
MED – News media
PUB – Publications
PIX – photographs
File-naming conventions for locations:
BAL – Balingasao, Valencia (9.64083 N, 124.221 E)
BIAB – Biabas, Guindulman ( 9°48'20.52"N, 124°24'13.92"E)
CAD – Cadapdapan, Candijay (9°49'30.18"N, 124°25'31.92"E)
SIER – Poblacion Sierra Bullones (?)
TAG – Tagbilaran, Bohol (?)
TAY – Taytay, Duero (9°45'37.56"N, 124°21'12.72"E)
Those with questions about the archive can contact Piers Kelly (Firstname dot Lastname at gmail dot com).
The Eskaya Digital Archive contains the following types of digitised materials related to Eskaya history, culture and language:
• Manuscripts (handwritten Eskaya documents)
• Publications (peer-reviewed commentaries)
• Dissertations (postgraduate research)
• Media (newspaper and magazine articles)
• Grey literature (various unpublished letters and commentaries)
• Genealogies (gedcom text files and photographs of surviving parish records)
• Pictures (people and scenes from Eskaya villages, not including photographs of manuscripts)
• Audio and video recordings (Eskaya people speaking, singing or writing Eskayan)
For an introduction to Eskaya history, culture and language see my dissertation at PK2-07-DISS09. This document also summarises and evaluates earlier commentaries on the Eskayan language (as compiled in PK2-09-MED) and explains the context in which the materials in The Eskaya Digital Archive were collected.
Those who are visiting this archive for the first time might have trouble isolating the richest and rarest materials. The following 'jewels in the crown' are recommended for new visitors:
• PK2-03-MANBIAB06: a rare phrasebook
• PK2-03-MANBIAB08: Interesting auto-ethnography with elements that may be considered unorthodox today
• PK2-03-MANBIAB12: the Castañares Manuscript (housed in Bohol Provincial Museum, probably created in Biabas then brought to Taytay)
• PK2-04-MANCAD05: The famous notebook of Eleuteria Faustina Viscayda which represents her attempt to standardise Eskaya literature. She was the longest surviving scribe of Mariano Datahan and died in 2009.
• PK2-09-MED05: Brenda Abregana's letter to editor of Who
• PK2-09-MED08: Brenda Abregana's 1985 letter to Governor Butalid
• PK2-10-MISC01: Juan Datahan's USAFFE orders
PK2-13-PIXBIAB01: USAFFE orders
PK2-13-PIXBIAB03: Picture of Mariano Datahan
PK2-13-PIXBIAB13: Church photo 1
PK2-13-PIXBIAB21: Church photo 2 (Flores de Mayo)
PK2-13-PIXBIAB76: national anthem flag school
PK2-14-PIXCAD10: Group photo of Cadapdapan teachers
PK2-14-PIXCAD19: child and bird
PK2-16-PIXTAY44: kids in front of sign
PK2-16-PIXTAY79: adults and kids class Taytay
PK2-15-PIXTAG01: Sandugo
-Naning speech
Problems to address in the Eskaya Digital Archive:
Repetitions: USAFFE orders, Cayo Lusica certificate
Repetitions: PK2-42-AVTAY21 and PK2-42-AVTAY36 are identical (and others, see finder list)
Repetitions: PK2-21-AVBIAB31 and PK2-25-AVCAD09 are identical (sort out whether it is really in cadapdapan or Biabas)
Extended Data
- ID
- PK2
- Languages
- Cebuano - ceb, English - eng, Spanish - spa, No linguistic content - zxx, Eskayan - esy
- Countries
- Philippines - PH
- Publisher
- Piers Kelly
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-8.5765 Longitude141.2265 Start Date2013-10-13 End Date2013-10-13
Recordings of narratives, elicitation sessions, and natural speech in Ranmo (Blafe)
Associated grants:
Research Experience for Graduates (REG) Supplement (#1502502)
National Science Foundation
Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (#1263754)
National Science Foundation/National Endowment for Humanities
Related publications:
2016. Pluractionality in Ranmo. Oceanic Linguistics 55(1): 25-51.
2016. Root alternation and verbal plurality in Ranmo. In University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 22(1): 197-206. Philadelphia, PA.
2016. Split ergativity and voice marking in Ranmo. In Proceedings of the 45th North East Linguistic Society, ed. by Thuy Bui and and Deniz Ozyildiz. Amherst, MA: GSLA.
2015. Pluractionality and the stative vs. eventive contrast in Ranmo. In Proceedings of the 41st Berkeley Linguistic Society. Berkeley, CA.
Extended Data
- ID
- JL3
- Languages
- Blafe - bfh
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Jenny Lee
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-8.2895 Longitude141.445 Start Date2013-09-05 End Date2013-09-05
Recordings of the Ndre language of Western Province, Papua New Guinea
Extended Data
- ID
- LSNG01
- Languages
- Undetermined language - und
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Nicholas Evans
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-9.461 Longitude161.0805 Start Date2011-12-15 End Date2011-12-15
'Are'are grammar sketch
Extended Data
- ID
- KN1
- Languages
- 'Are'are - alu
- Countries
- Solomon Islands - SB
- Publisher
- Kate Naitoro
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-8.7555 Longitude141.9305 Start Date2013-09-21 End Date2013-09-21
Recordings of the Lӓ language [læn], recorded in the coastal village of Tais in Western Province, PNG. Tais is not where this language is spoken.
Speakers present, representing almost all people who still know the language well: Karmi Yaki (m), Nabaya Yəwane (m), Tom Məni (m), Garmae Gӓl (m; Community Leader), Saroka Jakayo (f), Mӓvu Werai (f), Bunai Are (m), Selina Kimae (f).
Jimmy Nébni, a multilingual speaker from Bimadbn Village, explains to the participants what the recording event will be about, and he then acts as translator for the group.
See p. 59 of N2013 for details, plus pages before and after for transcriptions of the various material recorded on this day, the only day focussing on the language – parts of the basic word list, plus excursuses gathering various bits of grammatical material.
Extended Data
- ID
- LSNG03
- Languages
- English - eng, Nen - nqn
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Nicholas Evans
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-9.136055 Longitude141.9755 Start Date2013-09-20 End Date2013-09-20
Recordings of the Nä language spoken in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea
Extended Data
- ID
- LSNG05
- Languages
- English - eng, Nen - nqn
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Nicholas Evans
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-8.536615 Longitude140.7555 Start Date2012-09-24 End Date2012-09-24
Recordings collected by Matthew Carroll between 2012-2017 on Yam languages spoken in West Papua. Primarily Ngkolmpu (KCD) but also Bedi (KHD), Smerki (KXQ), Nggarna (KRZ), Tamer (KXQ) and Yei (JEI).
Ngkolmpu collection includes traditional stories, personal narratives, conversations and promoted materials.
Other languages are primarily wordlist data and verbal paradigms.
Extended Data
- ID
- LSNG04
- Languages
- Indonesian - ind, Yei - jei, Kanum, Ngkâlmpw - kcd, Kanum, Bädi - khd, Kanum, Sota - krz, Kanum, Smärky - kxq, Malay, Papuan - pmy
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Mae Carroll
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-8.692435 Longitude141.6655 Start Date2015-01-06 End Date2015-01-06
Recordings of the Papuan language Nama, collected by Jeff Siegel between 1993 and 2015. Recordings made in the following locations: Morehead, Daraia, Ngaraita, (Western Province, PNG) as well as Armidale (NSW).
Extended Data
- ID
- LSNG06
- Languages
- Kiwai, Southern - kjd, Neme - nex, Namat - nkm, Pasi - psq, Arammba - stk, Wára - tci, Nama - nmx
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Jeff Siegel
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-8.8035 Longitude141.2535 Start Date2012-07-06 End Date2012-07-06
Recordings collected by Kyla Quinn
Extended Data
- ID
- LSNG07
- Languages
- English - eng, Guntai - gnt
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Kyla Quinn
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-26.7814 Longitude133.466 Start Date2014-06-30 End Date2014-06-30
Materials collected on the Aboriginal Languages of Australia
Extended Data
- ID
- DN1
- Languages
- English - eng, Warlmanpa - wrl, Multiple languages - mul
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- David Nash
- Contact
- License
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
- Rights
- Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Latitude-20.385 Longitude-158.5685 Start Date2014-04-03 End Date2014-04-03
Te Vairanga Tuatua o te Te Reo Māori o te Pae Tonga: Collection of language examples in Cook Islands Māori (Southern dialects).
A linguistic description of Cook Islands Māori can be found at This collection comprises material collected during the writing of this PhD at the University of Auckland and continues now under the collector's position at Massey University.
See also:
Sally Akevai Nicholas (2018). Language Contexts: Te Reo Māori o te Pae Tonga o te Kuki Airani also known as Southern Cook Islands Māori. In Peter K. Austin & Lauren Gawne (eds) Language Documentation and Description, vol 15. London: EL Publishing. pp. 36-64
Many of the items in this collection are tagged as including New Zealand Māori (mir). These items contain only incidental amounts of New Zealand Māori.
Extended Data
- ID
- SN1
- Languages
- English - eng, Maori - mri, Pukapuka - pkp, Rarotongan - rar
- Countries
- Cook Islands - CK, New Zealand - NZ
- Publisher
- Sally Akevai Nicholas
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-16.262 Longitude167.5995 Start Date2012-07-31 End Date2012-07-31
Collection of Unua materials from Vanuate. Includes Unua dictionary files, text files and story recordings with transcriptions.
Extended Data
- ID
- EP2
- Languages
- Unua - onu
- Countries
- Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Elizabeth Pearce
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-9.706545 Longitude150.723 Start Date1742-10-03 End Date1742-10-03
A collection of local choir singing in English and Dobu and traditional drumming and dance singing
Extended Data
- ID
- IB1
- Languages
- Dobu - dob, English - eng
- Countries
- Papua New Guinea - PG
- Publisher
- Ian Blue
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-2.221 Longitude115.4805 Start Date2005-06-01 End Date2005-06-01
Narratives (traditional stories, tales) in Ma'anyan
Extended Data
- ID
- AA4
- Languages
- Benyadu' - byd, Ma'anyan - mhy, Siang - sya
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Alexander Adelaar
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-12.33707 Longitude160.1955 Start Date1977-01-01 End Date1977-01-01
200 recordings prepared for the SINM with funding from the Endangered Archives Programme
Extended Data
- ID
- Languages
- Arosi - aia, Asumboa - aua, Babatana - baa, Bughotu - bgt, English - eng, Kiribati - gil, Kwara'ae - kwf, Laghu - lgb, Lelepa - lpa, Rennell-Bellona - mnv, Äiwoo - nfl, Gela - nlg, Pijin - pis, Vaeakau-Taumako - piv, Ririo - rri, Roviana - rug, Sikaiana - sky, Talise - tlr, Tanema - tnx, Lovono - vnk, Varisi - vrs, Multiple languages - mul, Undetermined language - und, Mono (retired) - mte, Amba (retired) - utp
- Countries
- Solomon Islands - SB, Vanuatu - VU
- Publisher
- Solomons Museum
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude24.06085 Longitude107.123 Start Date1995-04-10 End Date1995-04-10
Ritual texts recited in the Bama-Tianyang dialect of Northern Zhuang, Guangxi Province, China
Extended Data
- ID
- DH2
- Languages
- Zhuang, Guibian - zgn
- Countries
- China - CN
- Publisher
- David Holm
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-11.518 Longitude130.7775 Start Date2012-02-11 End Date2012-02-11
Collection of recordings relating to the Traditional Tiwi language, collected between February and April 2012 in Wurrumiyanga, Bathurst Island. Recorded by Aidan Wilson.
Extended Data
- ID
- AW1
- Languages
- English - eng, Tiwi - tiw
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Aidan Wilson
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude27.9235 Longitude85.629 Start Date2014-01-02 End Date2014-01-02
Collection of Hyolmo songs, stories and grammer drills (language learning and conversation), recorded in Helambu Sherpa in Nepal.
Originating University: Summer Institute of Linguistics
Extended Data
- ID
- AH1
- Languages
- Helambu Sherpa - scp
- Countries
- Nepal - NP
- Publisher
- Anne-Marie Hari
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-14.242 Longitude130.089 Start Date1990-11-01 End Date1990-11-01
This collection contains three recordings of Magati Ke elicitations (IG3-001, IG3-002 and IG3-003) and 36 Marri Ngarr recordings (IG3-004 onwards). It also contains Field notebooks.
Extended Data
- ID
- IG3
- Languages
- Nangikurrunggurr - nam, Marti Ke - zmg, Maringarr - zmt
- Countries
- Australia - AU
- Publisher
- Ian Green
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-1.756993 Longitude133.85 Start Date2011-07-02 End Date2011-07-02
Elicitation of Wamesa (aka Wandamen, [WAD]), focusing on Windesi dialect, with some recordings of other area languages.
Extended Data
- ID
- EAG1
- Languages
- Mpur - akc, Ansus - and, Biak - bhw, English - eng, Indonesian - ind, Kuri - nbn, Pom - pmo, Malay, Papuan - pmy, Roon - rnn, Wandamen - wad, Woi - wbw, Waropen - wrp, Yawa - yva
- Countries
- Indonesia - ID
- Publisher
- Emily Gasser
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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